Samsung Rising
Samsung, a vastly larger company, had infinitely more resources and potential. “I felt that at Samsung maybe I could realize tha ...
mobile phone market, they needed to create an ecosystem,” T.J. said. Over lunch, his friend Ho Soo Lee told T.J. about a new off ...
T.J. made the case that if Samsung wanted faster results, it would have to forgo building new capabilities in-house, as Samsung ...
COURTESY OF DAREN TSUI mSpot co-founder Daren Tsui. After his software company was acquired by Samsung, he became vice president ...
from television to speakers and phones and tablets. It was the ecosystem that Samsung sought. T.J. set out to meet the pair and ...
“There’s a team of people that sit around a U-shaped table,” said Ed. “You’re sitting in the middle and there’s a conclave of pe ...
many devices as possible across the world,” Tsui said. But right away, Samsung’s speedy hardware culture didn’t jibe with the mS ...
Andy Rubin offered to sell his operating system to Samsung in late 2004, as he told journalist Fred Vogelstein in the book Dogfi ...
Francisco coffee shop, Greeley, a tall and soft-spoken software engineer who got his PhD from MIT, told the story of Samsung’s b ...
licensing deals for Samsung’s streaming services. At the Universal Music headquarters in Santa Monica, California—a sleek sandst ...
four labels “usually require this minimum guarantee,” said T.J. “They want you to commit to a certain number of licenses that yo ...
“You guys are clowns,” Daren recalled another executive basically saying. “We don’t want to deal with you.” Talks with Universal ...
White Glove IN RICHARDSON, TEXAS, TODD Pendleton was already plotting Samsung’s new music strategy in a black-box operation call ...
flexible alternative to the rigid functions of an iPhone, a device produced for the masses. “They’re gonna give you a phone,” sa ...
commercials. And not in a good way. The commercials were an awkward and jarringly sexist attempt to imitate a series of Broadway ...
that means to radiate virginity and innocence, to warble in a high-pitched, childlike voice, to prance around and dress as if th ...
of Samsung’s next smartphone to a stellar event: the release of Jay-Z’s next album, Magna Carta...Holy Grail. During a blazingly ...
the edge of rewriting the rules of the industry, an industry with which he had tumultuous ties. He believed that the incredible ...
radio stations had already begun streaming the new album—hurting the exclusivity for which Samsung had paid millions and had pro ...
Milk “I TOLD YOU THAT wasn’t going to work,” mobile chief J.K. Shin told T.J. whenever the two crossed paths, a dig at the buggy ...
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