Malay Magic _ Being an introduction to the - Walter William Skeat
help her?’ “The old man then went and reported the matter to the king, who ordered Si Laboh to be brought ...
Ghost elephants (gajah kramat) are not uncommon. They are popularly believed to be harmless, but invulnerable, ...
offensive odour, and swore that he would never go near the tree again. He kept his oath, and his example ...
And injure not my person. By the virtue of my Teacher, You may not injure the children of the race of Man.” The p ...
There are several of these tiger-villages or “enclosures” in the Peninsula, the chief of them being Gunong ...
The method of divination said to be practised by the tiger is as follows: The tiger lies down and gazes ...
had in plenty; the evidence, too, of sober-minded men, whose words in a Court of Justice would bring co ...
inhabitants of a district called Chenâku in the interior of the Korinchi country. Even there, however, it ...
‘Putri’ (Princess) of Gunong Ledang holds the premier position amongst the fabulous denizens of the jungle on ...
Tuan Pŭtri Gunong Ledang) in a boat (sampan), when the latter pricked him to death with a needle (mati ...
By virtue of this Prayer from the Land of Siam.”^92 The next specimen is described as a “charm for fa ...
ceremony. The animal was propped up on all fours as if alive, and his mouth kept open by propping the roof ...
“The death of the tiger now establishes the fact of the existence of tigers here, for asserting which I ha ...
These rings and bracelets are of course the nooses which depend from the toils. In a charm of similar impor ...
ground, with the nooses hanging down, and two of the party conceal themselves near the stakes armed with knive ...
The “rascal,” the starveling, the mere skeleton. Most fervently we beg this boon, by the light of this ve ...
“The Delik’s branches spread out horizontally (at the top),^104 Chop at it, and it will produce roots. Though ...
And whichever of (those two) ways you go, By that self-same way will you be turned back. “Now proceed ti ...
It is Israfel who casts them out. It is not I who cast out these mischiefs, It is Azrael who casts them ...
(secondary) Forest-Growth.”^110 It is generally taken by means of a snare called tapah pĕlandok, but sometime ...
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