5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology 2019
130 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High consequences are strengthened (more likely to occur), while behaviors ...
Learning ❮ 131 that the learner will respond. Sometimes in contrast to negative reinforcement, punishment comes as the result of ...
132 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High the first desired response made after a specific length of time. Fixed ...
Learning ❮ 133 Cognitive processes in Learning John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner typified behaviorists. They studied only behavio ...
134 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High Social Learning A type of social cognitive learning is called modeling ...
Learning ❮ 135 They found that rats developed conditioned taste aversions even when they did not become nauseated until hours af ...
136 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High Watson and Rayner’s classical conditioning of “Little Albert” was hel ...
Learning ❮ 137 ❯ answers and explanations C—The tuning fork is the CS and salivation is the CR. Pavlov’s dog learned to salivat ...
138 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High Acquisition—in classical conditioning, learning to give a known respo ...
Learning ❮ 139 Shaping—positively reinforcing closer and closer approximations of a desired behavior to teach a new behavior. C ...
140 ❯ Cognition In ThIs ChapTer Summary: Do you remember how classical conditioning compares with operant conditioning? In orde ...
Cognition ❮ 141 Models of Memory Different models are used to explain memory. No model accounts for all memory phenomena. Inform ...
142 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High memory, short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM) (see Figur ...
Cognition ❮ 143 of information. Baddeley’s working memory model is an active three-part memory system that temporarily holds inf ...
144 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High even if we’ve never been to a particular elementary school, we expect ...
Cognition ❮ 145 he then tested to see how long it took to forget a list. He drew a forgetting curve that declined rapidly before ...
146 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High drunk is not good, if someone was drunk when he or she hid a gift, he ...
Cognition ❮ 147 the Internet as actually having happened. This is a misattribution error, also referred to as source amnesia. Re ...
148 ❯ Step 4. Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High children are able to express more abstract ideas that go beyond the ph ...
Cognition ❮ 149 algorithm, we usually want to solve problems quickly and employ heuristics or mental shortcuts to solve most pro ...
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