Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
CoCkroaCh a typical insect, such as the common cockroach, above, has a body in three main parts. at the front is the head, which ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 AntennAe Sense organs called antennae detect smells and vibrations in th ...
281 world wide web The world wide web (www, or “web”) is a standard way of making information available over the internet. when ...
282 A team of 10 to 15 husky dogs pull the traditional Inuit sled. With an expert driver at the reins, a dog team can travel 50 ...
283 N S W E A lAnd of rugged mountAins and harsh deserts, iran was ruled for many centuries by the shah, or king. in the 1979 re ...
284 Off the nOrthwest cOast of europe lies one of the most beautiful islands in the world. for centuries, writers and singers ha ...
ireland 285 GlendalouGh The vale of Glendalough in the Wicklow Mountains is famous for its association with Saint Kevin, a hermi ...
286 Iron Age In several early languages the word for iron meant “metal from the sky.” This was probably because the first iron u ...
287 Huge structures like oil tankers and bridges and tiny objects like nuts and bolts are all made from steel. the world produce ...
288 Islam In the 7th century, the prophet Muhammad founded a religion in Arabia that was to become a powerful force in the world ...
G ul f^ o f^ A qa ba M e d i t e r r a n e a n S e a Jo rd an Dead Sea Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias) West Bank Gaza strip le Ba ...
290 Shaped like a boot, complete with heel and toe, italy juts out far into the Mediterranean Sea from southern europe. between ...
Italy 290- 291 Malta Malta is a small country in the Mediterranean Sea just south of Sicily. Since ancient times, it has been a ...
A d r i a t i c S e a (^) S tr ai t (^) o f (^) S ici ly Gulf of Venice Ligurian Sea Tyrrhenian Sea Golfo di Taranto Ionian Sea ...
The Tops of a submerged mountain chain form the islands of Japan. about three-quarters of the country is too steep to farm or bu ...
japan 294 Osaka Japan’s third-largest city is Osaka, on the south coast of the island of Honshu. Osaka is a major industrial cen ...
Commuters most Japanese people live in the cities, but few people can afford to live in the city centers, so most people have to ...
296 monticello Jefferson was a self-taught architect, and he built his home, monticello (above), on a hilltop near charlottesvil ...
one of the world’s major religions—Christianity—was inspired by a man named jesus Christ. we know about jesus from the new testa ...
Cross of lorraine During World War ii (1939-45), france was occupied by Germany, partly under German military control and partly ...
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