Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
219 France 219- The largesT counTry in western europe is France—a land of green, open spaces dotted with picturesque towns and s ...
220 france NORMANDY The region of Normandy lies between Paris and the English Channel. Normandy is a farming area, known through ...
221 france Find out more Country towns Much of France consists of open country, where most working people earn a living from far ...
Stra it^ of Dov er^ Strait^ of^ Boni facio^ Golfe de St-Malo Iroise B a y o f B i s c a y N o r t h S e a Engli sh^ C han nel Go ...
223 benjamin franklin A highly Accomplished statesman, inventor, and writer, Benjamin Franklin was one of the most remarkable Am ...
224 Marianne The new revolutionary calendar started from the day the king was overthrown. Marianne —a symbolic but imaginary rev ...
225 Cane toad the cane, or marine, toad shown here, originated in Central and South america. during the 1930s, it was brought to ...
226 Plum druPe drupes are juicy, succulent true fruits like berries. unlike berries, however, drupes do not have pips. Instead, ...
227 Fruits and seeds Roots lengthen. In the fall, the badger picks up many seeds on its fur as it pushes through undergrowth. Th ...
Burning gas to make heat is a quick and easy way to warm the home and to cook. gas is also used in industry, both for heat and a ...
The science of geneTics has officially existed ever since the word “gene” was coined in 1909 by the Danish botanist Wilhelm Joha ...
Cloning dolly Clones are one or more identical organisms that share identical genes but, unlike twins, are not produced by natur ...
Limestone the lowest and oldest layer contains fossils of tiny creatures, showing that 100 million years ago, during the time of ...
232 Germany 232- The naTion of Germany occupies a central position in northern europe. The 80.9 million German people also play ...
germany 233 DRESDEN The city of Dresden in eastern Germany was once the capital of a historic German state called Saxony. Altho ...
childrens_illustrated_encyclopedia_template_US_layer_v1 Sporting achievement germany has produced some excellent athletes over t ...
Pomeranian Bay North Sea Baltic Sea Oderhaff Fehmarn Helgoland N o rt h (^) F ri si a n (^) I sl a n ds East^ Frisian Islands^ ( ...
Shaping the landScape glaciers slowly grind away even the hardest rock and reveal a changed landscape when they retreat. deep va ...
Glass Containers of clear glass both protect their contents and display them. lenses are specially shaped pieces of glass that b ...
238 The Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C. The adminisTraTion of a counTry’s affairs is undertaken by a government whose polic ...
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