Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia
Talmud Jewish religious leaders are called rabbis. They are responsible for teaching and explaining the laws of Judaism. They st ...
300 An AssAssin’s bullet abruptly ended the promise that John Fitzgerald Kennedy brought to the American presidency. His family ...
301 Public sPeaker Martin luther king, Jr.’s words inspired millions of americans, black and white. at the august 1963 march on ...
In English legend, Saint George was a chivalrous knight who rescued a maiden from a dangerous dragon. Chivalry The period betwee ...
Knighthood the training to become a knight started at seven years of age. girls were not allowed to become knights, but boys beg ...
(North and South Korea have been divided by a ceasef ire agreement since 1953) Yellow Sea Korea Bay East Korea Bay K or ea S tra ...
SOVIET UNION CHINA 305 North aNd south korea Communist-ruled North korea and us- supported south korea were divided at the 38th ...
Much of what workers take for granted today—fixed working hours, a minimum wage, paid vacations, a safe workplace, and the power ...
307 307- Lake and river wildlife THE WATER IN LAKES and rivers is teeming with all kinds of life. Grasses, reeds, and other plan ...
LAKE AND RIVER WILDLIFE 308 Water lilies there are about 200 kinds of water lilies. their leaves and flowers float on the surfac ...
309 Lakes The great lakes are all linked to each other, and also to the Atlantic Ocean by the Saint Lawrence seaway. Volcanic la ...
310 Tower of BaBel at the beginning of this Bible story, everyone spoke the same language. But when people tried to build a towe ...
311 No society could exist without rules that define a person’s rights and obligations. law is the set of rules by which a socie ...
L AW 312 Trial by jury a jury is a group of people chosen to decide the truth from the evidence given in a court of law. althoug ...
313 architecture Buildings and town planning fascinated Leonardo. he designed an “ideal city” that was never built. the streets ...
314 Wildlife The expedition returned with valuable samples of animals, plants, rocks, and minerals. lewis became particularly in ...
315 Light 315- Without light, life on Earth would be impossible. Sunlight provides the energy to make plants grow and keep all l ...
light 316 Fiber optics Fiber optic cables are channels that carry light. They are flexible, so they can carry light around corne ...
317 The deaTh of LincoLn on april 14, 1865, abraham Lincoln was watching a play at ford’s Theatre in Washington, d.c. John Wilke ...
Hunting prey Lions live mainly on savannas (grassy plains) and scrubland, and the females do most of the hunting. this picture s ...
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