Childrens Illustrated Animal Atlas
22 Amazon rain forest The Amazon is the Earth’s largest tropical rain forest, and it surrounds one of the world’s largest rivers ...
23 Red howler monkey Red howlers live up to their name. They are the loudest animals on land, and their howls can be heard 3 mil ...
76 Australasia Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and thousands of small islands make up the Australasia region. From des ...
24 COLOMBIA LocationThe Andes stretch more than 4,500 miles (7,240 km) through seven countries. The climate here ranges from hum ...
77 Coral reefs Coral reefs, like this one in French Polynesia, make up about one percent of the ocean floor—but they are home to ...
25 The Andean condor is the world’s largest flying bird. It rides mountain air currents with a wingspan of up to 10 1 ⁄^2 ft (3. ...
78 Australia Australia is the world’s largest island. Most of it is made of hot, dry desert called “the outback.” In the hottest ...
26 The greater rhea can reach 41 ⁄ 2 ft (1.4 m) tall. It can’t fly, but it can run as fast as 37mph (60 kph). Coypu Sometimes mi ...
27 Montevideo Location The pampas lies mostly in Argentina, stretching into Uruguay. Although it is warm and humid here, the sum ...
79 Short-beaked echidna Also called the spiny anteater, this strange-looking mammal lays eggs. It uses its long, sticky tongue t ...
Jabiru stork The jabiru is the tallest flying bird in South and Central America, and can grow to over 3 ft (1 m) high. It grabs ...
80 Auckland tree wetas can raise their spiny back legs for defense. New ZealandNew Zealand is made up of two main islands—North ...
29 A jabiru stork wades through the Pantanal. Marine iguana Marine iguanas are the only lizards to swim in the ocean, where they ...
81 HABITAT KEYTemperate grasslandsMountains Deciduous forests Ste w a rt I s l a n d KeaScientists think this cat-sized parrot i ...
30 Often called “a fox on stilts,” the maned wolf’s long legs help it to see over the tall Cerrado grass. Maned wolf BRAZIL HABI ...
82 Great Barrier Reef The world’s largest chain of coral reefs, the Great Barrier Reef lies just off Australia’s northeastern co ...
31 ATLANT IC (^) O CE A N Termites Termites are ant-sized insects that build their own “cities.” These huge mounds get up to 30 ...
83 Blubber jellyfish Each of this creature’s eight stumpy arms has several mouths that move food to the animal’s stomach. Orange ...
Cordillera Blanca Part of the Andes, this is the largest tropical mountain range in the world. Peaks over 19,685 ft (6,000 m) hi ...
Antarctica The world’s coldest continent, Antarctica is also its most remote, meaning it is far from any other land mass. Ice mo ...
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