Visualizing Environmental Science
Roger Harris/Photo Researchers, Inc. 192 CHAPTER 8 Air and Air Pollution The Atmosphere LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define atmosphere a ...
186 CHAPTER 7 Human Population Change and the Environment CASE STUDY Curitiba was the first city in Brazil to use a special low- ...
Ozone layer Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere Thermosphere Extends to 480 km (300 mi) Gases in extremely thin air absorb x-ray ...
Summary 187 the same size because the birth rate equals the death rate, toward the end of the 21st century. Thomas Malthus was ...
45° 30° 45° 30° 500 km Rising air cools Cool air sinks Cool air sinks Warm air rises Warmed ground heats air above it Sun’s ene ...
© Frances Roberts/Alamy 188 CHAPTER 7 5 Population and Urbanization 181 Urbanization is the process whereby people move from ru ...
PROCESS DIAGRAM The Atmosphere 195 In addition to these global circulation patterns, the atmosphere features smaller-scale horiz ...
Urban Rural Urban Urban Rural Rural Ethiopia Turkey France Based on data from Population Reference Bureau. Critical and Creative ...
196 CHAPTER 8 Air and Air Pollution Types and Sources of Air Pollution LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define air pollution and distinguish ...
8 Air and Air Pollution LONG-DISTANCE TRANSPORT OF AIR POLLUTION P ersistent toxic compounds are found in the Yukon (in northwes ...
Types and Sources of Air Pollution 197 and damage stone and other materials. Sulfuric acid and other sulfur oxides damage plants ...
191 10 100 10,000 DDTs HCHs Chloro- benzenes Chlor- PCBs Concentration ng/g 1,000 Concentrations of persistent organic pesticide ...
198 CHAPTER 8 Air and Air Pollution Sam Abell/NG Image Collection who live and work around chemical factories, incinerators, or ...
Roger Harris/Photo Researchers, Inc. 192 CHAPTER 8 Air and Air Pollution The Atmosphere LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define atmosphere a ...
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 Year Mount Pinatubo erupts, June 1991 Global average temperature (°C) 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14. ...
Ozone layer Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere Thermosphere Extends to 480 km (300 mi) Gases in extremely thin air absorb x-ray ...
200 CHAPTER 8 Air and Air Pollution Miscellaneous 10% Transportation 57% Industrial processes 12% Fuel combustion (electric powe ...
45° 30° 45° 30° 500 km Rising air cools Cool air sinks Cool air sinks Warm air rises Warmed ground heats air above it Sun’s ene ...
Effects of Air Pollution 201 breathlessness and wheezy breathing. Chronic bronchitis is a disease in which the air passages (bro ...
PROCESS DIAGRAM The Atmosphere 195 In addition to these global circulation patterns, the atmosphere features smaller-scale horiz ...
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