The Cure for All Cancers
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES occurred in the night. The clinical doctor said it was a collapsed vertebra due to radiation or chemo ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS until it was banned! It is simply too toxic to set out as poison! Yet it has found its way into some pe ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES : Fasciolopsis cercaria (Parasite) YES She is nearly rid of her parasites. I did not do cancer test s ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS : Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at liver and colon Gets loose bowels after eating. : Fasciolopsis miracid ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES : Pancreatic fluke (Parasite) YES She is still eating hamburgers but will stop. Will order only fish ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS hCG, Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO Fasciolopsis and all stages (Parasite) NO Sheep liver flu ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES : Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES He will start on a parasite killing program, using an aqueous b ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS BLOOD TEST Result Comment Chloride slightly high (107) adrenal Platelet count very high (402, 417) pa ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES Two weeks later He has gone back to work at his office. Neodymium (Toxic Element) NO Changed brands ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS 44 Edward Steinman Prostate Cancer Edward Steinman is a 64 year old man who has beginning diabetes. He ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES Two weeks later Kidney Stones (ALL) NO : Antimony (Toxic Element) YES Stop after-shave : Thulium (T ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS : Sheep liver fluke, Pancreatic fluke (Parasites) YES He is eating rare-cooked beef, but will stop. He ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES : Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES Protein 24 (HIV) NO : Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at liver an ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Kidney Stones (ALL) NO Note: He has no kidney crystals! He says he has always drunk 2 quarts water/da ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES Protein 24 (HIV) NO : Strep pneumonia (Pathogen) YES and very high through- out his body He was in ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Phosphates high dissolving bone. Change diet: reduce phosphate (grains, animal food, car- bonated beve ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES : Cobalt, Zirconium (Toxic Elements) YES at prostate He will go off denture cleaner (EfferdentTM) and ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Calcium low (9.0) Drink 2% milk - 3 glasses/day; take Magnesium 300 mg 1/day. Triglycerides high (198) ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES 47 Deanna Kaiser Colon Cancer Deanna, age 40, came in for pain in her right leg, thigh, and foot. Hot ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS : Arsenic (Toxic Element) YES at breast Will test home air. Three weeks later Kidney Stones (ALL) NO ...
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