The Cure for All Cancers
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES This 56 year old woman reported her main problems as: 1) High blood pressure. She has not been on a b ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS He drinks about 6 beers/night. He also takes honey + orange juice + bee pollen. He does not tolerate co ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES Eos (4%) high parasites Atyp lymphs (3%) high cancer risk Ferritin (392) very high cancer risk Uric ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Summary: Andrew came into our office because of a history of kidney stones; he did not want to pass ano ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES : Radon (Toxic Element) YES at bone marrow Toxic Elements (Remainder) NO : Oxalate (Kidney Stones) ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Summary: This was a particularly tragic case. His young children sat quietly in their chairs during the ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES Four days later : Tin (Toxic Element) YES at bone marrow Off toothpaste : Lanthanum (Toxic Element) Y ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS likes our shampoo very well and will start using citric acid instead of hair conditioner. She is not on ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES One month later She has been traveling. Seems rather well. She is not using any as- sistance with wal ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS : Nickel (Toxic Element) YES Probably coming from a rod implant from hip prosthesis on both sides. BLOO ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES her early 50's and had been a dynamic, active person. She had friends willing to help her husband wit ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS herbs in spite of absence of stones. This is probably a dental prob- lem. : Babesia, Capillaria, Dipyli ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES Protein 24 (HIV) NO : Haemophilus infl, Gardnerella vag, Eikenella, Lepto inter, Diplo pne, Klebsie ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO Her pain is gone; her diarrhea is gone. : Radon (Toxic Element) YE ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES Protein 24 (HIV) NO : Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) YES at liver, side of breast : Isopropyl Alco ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS : Wood Alcohol (Solvent) YES She will go off commercial beverages. Her body current level seemed low, s ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES One month later She is free of cancer, headache, and low back pain. 21 Susana Clausson Skin Cancer Th ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Two weeks later Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO : Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at one side of liver ...
PART THREE: CASE HISTORIES : Scandium, Hafnium, PVC (Toxic Elements) YES at lung and bronchioles : Europium, Cerium, lridium(Tox ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS : Fasciolopsis (Parasite) YES at gallbladder, liver, thymus; NO at intestine : Fasciolopsis redia (Para ...
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