Excel 2019 Bible
Chapter 4: Working with Excel Ranges and Tables 4 The header row The header row is generally colored differently than the other ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel In addition to the list of functions, there is a More Functions option at the bottom of the d ...
Chapter 4: Working with Excel Ranges and Tables 4 FIGURE 4.20 Use the Create Table dialog box to verify that Excel guessed the t ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel FIGURE 4.21 Each column in a table has sorting and filtering options. If you don’t plan to so ...
Chapter 4: Working with Excel Ranges and Tables 4 You can sort on any number of columns. The trick is to sort the least signific ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel When a column is sorted, the Filter Button in the header row displays a different graphic to ...
Chapter 4: Working with Excel Ranges and Tables 4 from Select All, which deselects everything. Then place a check mark next to D ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel FIGURE 4.25 Specifying a more complex numeric filter Also, you can right-click a cell and use ...
Chapter 4: Working with Excel Ranges and Tables 4 FIGURE 4.26 Use the Insert Slicers dialog box to specify which slicers to crea ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel If your table has more than one slicer, it’s filtered by the selected buttons in each slicer. ...
Chapter 4: Working with Excel Ranges and Tables 4 Select any cell in the table and choose Table Tools Design ➪ Table Styles. The ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel For a different set of color choices, choose Page Layout ➪ Themes ➪ Themes to select a dif- f ...
Chapter 4: Working with Excel Ranges and Tables 4 FIGURE 4.29 Use this dialog box to create a new table style. If you want to ma ...
117 C H A P T E R 5 Formatting Worksheets IN THIS CHAPTER Understanding how formatting can improve your worksheets Getting to kn ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel FIGURE 5.1 Simple formatting can greatly improve the appearance of your worksheet. In additio ...
Chapter 5: Formatting Worksheets 55 FIGURE 5.2 The Mini toolbar appears above or below the right-click shortcut menu. If you use ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel displayed to the right of the group name in the Ribbon.) When you display the Format Cells di ...
Chapter 5: Formatting Worksheets 55 Use the Font and Font Size tools in the Font group on the Home tab of the Ribbon (or on the ...
Part I: Getting Started with Excel FIGURE 5.4 You can choose many different font formatting options for your worksheets. If you ...
Chapter 5: Formatting Worksheets 55 Overriding these defaults is a simple matter. The most commonly used alignment commands are ...
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