USMLE Step 2 CK Lecture Notes 2019: Obstetrics/Gynecology (Kaplan Test Prep)
NORMAL PREGNANCY EVENTS FIRST TRIMESTER Assuming a 40-menstrual-week pregnancy, the first trimester is assu ...
SECOND TRIMESTER Assuming a 40-menstrual-week pregnancy, the second trimester is assumed to extend from 13–26 ...
THIRD TRIMESTER Assuming a 40-menstrual-week pregnancy, the third trimester is assumed to extend from 26–40 ...
NORMAL PREGNANCY COMPLAINTS Backache is very common, especially in the latter part of pregnancy because of t ...
Fluid retention: Increased circulating steroid levels and decreased serum albumin results in edema in over half ...
Table I-4-3. Pregnancy Danger Signs Complaint Possible Diagnosis Vaginal bleeding Vaginal fluid leakage Epigastric pain Se ...
IMMUNIZATIONS SAFE IMMUNIZATIONS Safe immunizations include antigens from killed or inactivated organisms: Influenz ...
UNSAFE IMMUNIZATIONS Unsafe immunizations include antigens from live attenuated organisms: MMR (measles, mumps, ...
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Clarify the difference between laboratory tests in the first, second, and third trimesters Explain ...
FIRST TRIMESTER LABORATORY TESTS A 21-year-old primigravida G1 PO presents for her first prenatal visit at 1 ...
COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (CBC) Hemoglobin and hematocrit (normal pregnancy hemoglobin 10–12 g/dL): Although nonpreg ...
RUBELLA IGG ANTIBODY Immunity: The presence of rubella antibodies rules out a primary infection during the pregnancy ...
HEPATITIS B VIRUS (HBV) HBV surface antibodies are expected from a successful vaccination. The presence of H ...
TYPE, RH, AND ANTIBODY SCREENING The patient’s blood type and Rh is determined with the direct Coombs test. I ...
STD SCREENING Table I-5-1. Initial Prenatal Labs for STDs Chlamydia/Gonorrhea (GC) Screening DNA probes Hepatitis B ...
URINE SCREENING Urinalysis: Assessment of proteinuria, ketones, glucose, leukocytes, and bacteria is important ...
TUBERCULOSIS (TB) SCREENING Antituberculosis drugs are not contraindicated in pregnancy. PPD or tine test: Thi ...
HIV SCREENING HIV screening is recommended for all pregnant women as part of the initial lab testing. The CDC re ...
SECOND TRIMESTER LABORATORY TESTS A 23-year-old woman (G3 P1 Ab1) is seen at 16 weeks’ gestation. Her prev ...
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