A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE
HOMEOPATHIC CLINICAL: Pounded dried inner bark, decoction of dried bark, tincture of fresh bark for cons ...
SOLOMON’S SEAL Polygonatum commutatum, P. multiflorum COMMON NAMES: Drop berry, sealwort, seal root. FEATURES: ...
RUSSIAN EXPERIENCE: Koopena medical, Solomon’s seal, grows throughout the country. Folk medicine has used ...
SPIKENARD Aralia racemosa COMMON NAMES: Indian spikenard, American spikenard, petty morrel, like of man, spign ...
ST. JOHN’S WORT Hypericum perforatum COMMON NAMES: Johnswort, St. John’s grass, klamath weed. FEATURES: This plant ...
menstruation along with a proper diet. A specific for deep, low pain of the coccyx (the vertebra ...
Zveroboi is harvested when the flower is in full bloom; after thirty to forty-five days it can again ...
STRAWBERRY Fragaria vesca, F. Americana FEATURES: A member of the Rosaceae family, one of several native species ...
anemia, general weakness, bleeding, tapeworm, kidney and bladder, children’s diarrhea (Atlas, Moscow, 1963). Also ...
SUMAC Rhus glabra COMMON NAMES: Smooth sumac, Indian salt (powder on the berries), scarlet sumac, mountain sum ...
straining, adding honey, boiling into a syrup, and bottling for future use. DOSE: 1 teaspoonful of either the ...
SUNDEW Drosera rotundifolia COMMON NAMES: Round leaf, sundew, flytrap, dew-plant. FEATURES: Drosera is a genus o ...
In water as frequently as necessary. DOSE: 1 teaspoonful of the herb, cut small, to 1 pint of boiling water ...
SUNFLOWER Helianthus annuus FEATURES: This plant belongs to a large composite genus, Helianthus, so called bec ...
for all body cells. Calcium: Our bodies need calcium for building strong bones, hard teeth, good muscle a ...
of the sunflower brought about The Academy of Science Review in 1779. There botanical and com ...
SWAMP BEGGAR’S TICK Bidens connata COMMON NAMES: Cockhold herb, beggar’s tick, Spanish needles, devil’s pi ...
colds, inflammation of the bladder, headache, eczema (internally as tea, decoction, extracts), external bathing ...
SWEET FLAG Acorus calamus COMMON NAMES: Calamus, myrtle flag, sweet grass, sweet sedge, sweet rush root. ...
China was on a very high cultural standard and medicine, particularly herbal, was in great favor (Vis ...
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