On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep
will begin to distinguish different tones and patterns in your baby’s crying. Simply stop and list ...
need for special time in mommy’s arms. Your assessment may produce many options. However, blocking you ...
gazes of those on the sidelines. With effort and understanding, parent from the wisdom you have gath ...
Chapter Nine ...
Colic, Reflux, and the Inconsolable Baby When a mother and father behold the wonder of a new life they can ea ...
after feedings, pulling up his little legs in abdominal pain. Other parents have an infant like little ...
would wonder, “Should I feed him again, because it looked like everything just came back up ...
Caleb was born on March 24, 2004, early in the morning, via a scheduled C-section. He was ...
diagnosis, they are related symptomatically through crying and spitting up. The three conditions are: 1 . colic 2 . ga ...
fourth week and generally ends by three months. While there are no significant medical concern ...
of days. After a few weeks gradually reintroduce individual items back into your meal plans and watch ...
as the dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, or washer/dryer. Parents should not put their baby on any of these applianc ...
poor growth and may lead to a feeding aversion if not treated. Or, as in Caleb’s case above, pain and ...
undiagnosed, it becomes worse and in extreme cases, the infant may develop a feeding aversion bec ...
allergies produce colic-like symptoms, and thus they are easily misdiagnosed. Proper feeding pos ...
and time. Nonetheless, the following suggestions and recommendations are appropriate for both conditions. Challenges w ...
walking him, playing soothing music or using other forms of white noise. Car seats are not recommended for r ...
second technique is to take your index and middle fingers and in a scissors hold, control the i ...
If your baby is habitually waking up 45 minutes into his nap, screaming in pain, and acting i ...
position while gently rocking him. Finally, as a parent remember to take one day at a time, focusing ...
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