Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom
our own longing to flee the confines of self, to unite with the greater, to discover through loss of the known, the endless, gor ...
vided Self? Can my conscious mind surrender to that which is ever stable and steady? Samadhi, if it was genuine, should have rev ...
Dhanurasana Chapter 7 Living in Freedom hen many of us think of freedom, we believe that it means the pursuit of happiness. Cert ...
Pada-the Freedom Chapter. Actually he begins his book with Samadhi, and then in the second chapter drops right back down to basi ...
from the desire of the fruit or rewards of action. The yogi is utterly dis interested but paradoxically full of the engagement ...
that flash up in the sadhana and use them to further his inner devel opment. While the yogi is grounded in traditional ethics, ...
as a sign that we are on the right path and then should be ignored com pletely. Otherwise, they can become traps that ensnare u ...
Savasana and Time Many people wonder why, in my book Light on Yoga, I consider Savasana (corpse pose) as the most difficult pose ...
women who have had a taxing day at the office. Perhaps the day went well-perhaps not. My students are all sons, daughters, husba ...
with the three dimensions of space. The power of science is the proof of our ability to project ourselves in space. But space wi ...
each photograph shows a picture and then there is a jump, however slight, to the next reality. They do not slide together unless ...
All models for spiritual life or personal growth seduce us into the belief that we are becoming, rather than just being. Being i ...
In order to begin to live in freedom, we must see how this allows us to fulfill the Four Aims of Life throughout the Four Stages ...
The river of love, pleasure, prosperity, and wealth flows between these guiding banks. Personal love, part of which is sexual, i ...
I borrowed, but money remained a huge source of anxiety. The richest students are not necessarily the quickest or best payers as ...
that restricts our freedom to act, that is to act from source, from our core, is a cause of tension and stress. Freedom is gaine ...
Not that my life has always been spotless, but a driving impulse toward ethical integrity is there. It is the plinth on which my ...
and tutors, even if we cannot really grasp much value in what they are trying to impart to us. At least some of what they say wi ...
work to satisfy a boss you are sure undervalues you. It involves wor rying about rent or mortgage or the children catching a fe ...
that is a sort of cursed cross-grainedness and unwillingness either to listen (if not obey) or to cooperate within the bounds of ...
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