Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom
(hopefully correct deduction). The surveyor is our experienced sage, and his technical reference books are the scriptures. In th ...
entirely present and so is free of time, as we shall see as we move in ward closer to the soul. For the moment we must be conte ...
of the cells surfacing. Intuition is supra-conscious knowing in which you know before you know how you know. When I was young, I ...
part of a Universal Intelligence. As we learn to attune ourselves like an antenna to this natural intelligence around us, we gai ...
itself to collect its scattered thoughts and apply itself to the greater good, which is the good of the Whole. Mind is necessary ...
trast, linked to an infinite resourc�osmic intelligence (mahat) and cosmic consciousness. It is a well that will never run dry. ...
gifted with intelligence that lends purpose and direction to our steps, striving to live ethically, that is with honor and digni ...
primal unity. We are still carrying on their arduous journey. We cannot go back. Where we are is uncomfortable-so we must go on. ...
awareness and energy. The constant practice of all petals of yoga will eventually repair all flaws inherent within the human sys ...
and awareness have merged and aligned themselves with the light emitted by the soul. We say intelligence has insight. We should ...
Impurities of Intelligence The whole educative thrust of yoga is to make things go right in our lives. But we all know that an a ...
possible way, symmetrically, precisely, and in stimulating, coherent se quences. I was, when occasion demanded, a performer and ...
as we instinctively feel that its ugliness lies closer to the Soul. Most of us, at least in maturity, with or without yoga, fall ...
High intelligence brings the gift of power, and we all know that power corrupts. When intelligence is corrupted, it brings woe u ...
and we cannot disown them. But we can get rid of them with help from the part of our consciousness that is closest to our soul. ...
Good advice can come from many sources and may all be useful in its own way, but it leads only to a resolution through analysis ...
was not prepared to lie. Apparently my truthfulness presented a secu rity risk, and the lessons never took place. However, I di ...
waves. Concentration is one big wave. Bring many to one. Subsume the many in the one, then calm the one for meditation. You can' ...
I am practicing asana but at a level where the quality is meditative. The totality of being, from core to skin, is experienced. ...
Where meditation is concerned, I am a purist. I must be; I am a yogi. That does not mean that there is anything wrong with atten ...
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