Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom
letting go. It is called vanaprasthasrama, which means the beginnings of nonattachment whilst continuing to live within the boso ...
wife might separate and go their different ways into the forest to meet their Maker alone and as naked souls. This is no longer ...
awareness. Progressively we have to transform ourselves in such a way that we can engage and act in the world without becoming e ...
in divinity, but a divinity that is not divorced from practical reality. It is simply that the divine foot lives in Oneness. The ...
and certainly cheating always brings about its own downfall, as it ex iles us from our own soul. Ethics are a compromise soluti ...
actions and reactions. He is the supreme purusa (Purusa Visesa), a spe cial quality that humans have to know. He is ever pure a ...
passion and urge for Self-realization and the need to find the ultimate purpose of our existence. Yama is the culture of self-re ...
longed fasts, were a form of violence (himsa) against himself, by which he woke up the world to what people were doing to each o ...
than I am in fact myself capable of, then I am posing; I am acting hyp ocritically. So at each stage of our lives, we do our be ...
ways of depriving others of what is rightfully theirs-honor and repu tation for example. Before I deal with the fourth yama, co ...
family. I also wanted to be a yogi. In all Indian tradition there has been no contradiction here. When my wife was alive, my bra ...
Yama is the cultivation of the positive within us, not merely a sup pression of what we consider to be its diabolical opposite. ...
But letting go at the moment of death is important for whatever may follow after. By letting go, we also release the latent impr ...
this is called yukti, which is the cleverness and clarity that are needed to follow the sadhana. Where self-study and self-knowl ...
The subtle sheaths can also be cleansed. As we stop watching pornography and violence and stop having nightmares and become more ...
Most people practice yoga within the parameters of the first and second niyama, which are cleanliness and contentment. They get ...
which we become bogged down. That is why we are compelled to con tinue our practice. The third, fourth, and fifth steps of niya ...
may or may not be is not our business. All we have to do is revere the pristine, original, and eternal unity. God exists. It is ...
quiets and nullifies the waves of the fluctuations of mind. In practical terms, it means that when something happens, I am not t ...
without an intervening screen of human frailty. And what will God tell you to do in this state of absolute freedom, of kaivalya? ...
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