Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide
nanometers, (2) 500 nanometers, and (3) 400 nanometers. The first wavelength, 750 nanometers, induces the sensation we call “red ...
in which we overcome social isolation. It is by talking to each other, a behavior that requires hearing, that we visit with fami ...
(b) What structure plays a similar role in hearing to the role that the retina plays in vision? (c) The three basic sensations a ...
closed. Neurons located near the surface of the skin are the ones that give us the sensation of light touch. Deep touchcan be in ...
receptor organ that makes the sense of smell possible is called the olfactory epithelium,and it is located high in the nose. It ...
located in the semicircular canals.Located in the inner ear, the canals are tubular bones filled with fluid. The movement of thi ...
The four basic taste sensations are a. sweet, salty, bitter, and hot b. sweet, bitter, burned, and salty c. sour, acid, sweet, ...
False. Receptor organs in both the connective tissue surrounding the body’s joints as well as within the joints themselves make ...
5 Perception: Why Do Things Look the Way They Do? 57 PREVIEW QUIZ True or False TFIn the study of perception, a distinction can ...
Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to state the Gestalt laws of perception; describe the role that lear ...
In sum, it can be argued that we act to a large extent in terms of our perceptions. And it is for this reason that the study of ...
Max Wertheimer, as you will recall from chapter 1, is the father of Gestalt psy- chology. Adding to figure-ground perception, We ...
and is easily discriminated from a ground. For example, a polar bear with white fur surrounded by snow is more easily seen as a ...
(a) William James’s suggestion that the infant’s world is a “buzzing, blooming, confusion” gives the impression that the infant, ...
the same way. For example, for almost all of us the Moon is perceived to be larger when low and near the horizon than when it is ...
(a) Illusions teach us that we are not of our world. (b) A drawing that can be perceived in more than one way is said to be. Ans ...
jected on your retina is about the same size when it is near the horizon and when it’s “far” from it (when it’s overhead). As th ...
Monocular visionis vision with one eye. If a person is deprived of binocu- lar vision, then he or she can still perceive depth w ...
Before we address the fact or fiction of telepathy, let’s explore the phenome- non as if it were real. This will permit us to un ...
gambler who believes in PK believes he can give the dice a mental nudge as they’re rolling and influence the numbers that come u ...
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