THE SUDDENLY FAMOUS DOCTOR EINSTEIN' 319 Even though Einstein's interest in and impact on philosophy were strong, he himself nev ...
32O THE LATER JOURNEY itation in November 1915, classical physics (that is, nonquantum physics) reached its perfection and Einst ...
'THE SUDDENLY FAMOUS DOCTOR EINSTEIN 321 B2. A. M. Bienfait-Visser, letter to A. Pais, February 12, 1980. B3. K. Blumenfeld in H ...
322 THE LATER JOURNEY E37. A. S. Eddington, letter to A. Einstein, December 1, 1919. E38. A. Einstein, Die Vossische Zeitung, Ap ...
'THE SUDDENLY FAMOUS DOCTOR EINSTEIN' 323 E75. , in The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell (P. A. Schilpp, Ed.), p. 277. Tudor, New ...
324 THE LATER JOURNEY N3a. Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, November 9 and 11, 1919. N4. New York Times, December 21, 1919. N5. New ...
1? Unified Field Theory 17a. Particles and Fields around 1920 Einstein died early on a Monday morning. The day before, he had as ...
326 THE LATER JOURNEY physical. In order to appreciate this, we must first have a brief look at the physics of particles and fie ...
UNIFIED FIELD THEORY 327 These last words (italicized by me) represent the first instance, as best I know, where it is stated in ...
328 THE LATER JOURNEY his search for unification. In fact, by then he already believed that the need to unify forces and the nee ...
UNIFIED FIELD THEORY 329 capillaries in membranes [Ell]. Late in 1924 and early in 1925, his three papers on the Bose-Einstein g ...
330 THE LATER JOURNEY in 1921 [K2], but he already had this idea in 1919, for in April of that year Einstein wrote to him, 'The ...
where Rw is the curvature scalar in /? 4. Thus /?(5) is the unified Lagrangian for gravitation and electromagnetism! Equation 17 ...
where Ne is the charge of the particle considered and e is the charge of the electron. Now, Klein argued [K4], since nature tell ...
UNIFIED FIELD THEORY 333 worked for some years on the Kaluza-Klein theory. However, Einstein had already become actively interes ...
334 THE LATER JOURNEY quantum phenomena). This was his motivation: 'It is anomalous to replace the four-dimensional continuum by ...
Bargmann and Bergmann told me that Einstein thought that the higher Fourier components might somehow be related to quantum field ...
five conservation laws which are shown to be the differential laws for conservation of energy, momentum, and charge. b) A number ...
UNIFIED FIELD THEORY 337 Ghern made two statements which apply equally well to the present section: 'It is a strange feeling to ...
THE LATER JOURNEY (17.24) (17.25) (17.26) (17.27) (17.28) The Second Group The Ricci tensor Rm is defined by This tensor plays ...
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