THE NEW DYNAMICS 279 is in progress on acoustical detectors, on improved Weber bars (named after Joseph Weber, whose pioneering ...
28O RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY in a coordinate system for which the 'gauge condition' holds true (Eq. 15.14 is sometimes cal ...
THE NEW DYNAMICS 28l Do gravitational waves exist? Is the derivation of the quadrupole formula cor- rect? If so, does the formul ...
282 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY Einstein and Mach. Einstein was in the middle of preparing his first synopsis on general rel ...
THE NEW DYNAMICS 283 the new [i.e., the Einstein-Grossmann] theory' [E32]. In his later years, however, Mach turned his back on ...
284 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY The third theme, Mach's conjecture on the dynamic origins of inertia, leads us to Einstein's ...
THE NEW DYNAMICS 285 Enter Mach. In this note Einstein declared, 'This [conclusion] lends plausibility to the con- jecture that ...
286 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY (a proposal which again has nineteenth century origins), where p is a uniform density, then t ...
THE NEW DYNAMICS 287 provided that ( 15 .23) where p is a constant mass density. In this Einsteinian universe, the Newtonian inf ...
288 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY Friedmann shows that Eq. 15.20 admits nonstatic solutions with iso- tropic, homogeneous matt ...
THE NEW DYNAMICS 289 interlude) what the answer to this question was: singularities are anathema. His belief in the inadmissibil ...
290 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY of recent years to explain the elementary particles of nature by means of contin- uous fields ...
THE NEW DYNAMICS 291 on the TV-body problem of motion [E59, E60]. In these papers, the gravitational field is no longer treated ...
292 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEOR on asymmetries in the universe. There were discussions on the neutrino contents of the univers ...
THE NEW DYNAMICS 293 E22. , PAW, 1918, p. 154. E23. and N. Rosen, /. Franklin Inst. 223, 43 (1937). E24. A. S. Eddington, The Ma ...
294 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY £60. and , Ann Math. 41, 455 (1940). E61. J. Ehlers, Ann N.Y. Ac. Sci. 336, 279 (1980). Fl. A ...
THE NEW DYNAMICS 295 Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1883. Translated as The Science of Mechanics (4th edn.). Open Court, Chicago, 1919. M7. ...
296 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY D. Sciama, [W3], p. 387. W. de Sitter, Proc. K. Ak. Amsterdam 19, 1217 (1917); 20, 229 (1917 ...
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