Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica
MEDORI PARK The western part of the precinct, Medori Park, is named after an Orzhov pontiff who converted a city park into a war ...
Chapter 4: Creating Adventures HIS CHAPTER PROVIDES A TOOLBOX TO HELP the Dungeon Master c reate adventures featur- ing the guil ...
CHARACTER OBJECTIVES -------- The impetus for adventuring might come from within the player characters' own guilds, rather than ...
INTRIGUE GUILDS d12 Guild 1-2 Azorius Senate 3-6 House Dimir 7-8 Colgari Swarm 9-11 Orzhov Syndicate 12 Simic Combine MYSTERY Ra ...
Involving the Characters Once you've chosen an adventure seed-a villain, a m ission, or a general hook- you need to figure out w ...
Complications An adventure that pits player characters against a single guild is relatively straightforward, but adding another ...
v ...
Azorius Senate Adventures involving the Azorius Senate naturally re- volve around law enforcement. P layer characters who find t ...
l square = 5 feet .nnn ( Upper Level Morgue Level Arrester Headquarters MAP A.>: ARRESTER STATION ...
who then becomes something of a nemesis for them. As they gain experience. this imperator continues to be a thorn in their side ...
B OROS LEGION Adventures involving the Boros Legion might have a military bent, focusing on small-scale conflict between groups ...
Parapets / Rooftop 1 square = 5 feet MAP 4.2 LEGION GARRISON 133 ...
in pursuit of their own private visions of justice. And because the lower echelons of the guild are taught to follow orders with ...
House Dimir Masters of misdirection, infiltration. and espionage, Oi- mir spies and assassins pursue their objectives behind lay ...
• • l square = 5 feet ...
Dr MIR A S C AMPAIGN V ILLAINS Dimir villains favor schemes involving captivity and coercion, defamation, impersonation and disg ...
Golgari Swarm A dominant force in the undercity, the Golgari Swarm is ideally suited for dungeon-based adventures. The Golgari r ...
1 square = 5 feet M11p 4 ' 4· u NOERCITV MAN SION ...
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