Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening
lightest layer of the finest soil; or it may be sown during March on a slight hotbed. Keep the young plants shaded from the sun, ...
Clarkia.--These hardy annuals make a pretty display in the borders during summer. Seed ripens plentifully, and merely requires s ...
Clitoria.--A greenhouse climbing or trailing plant, which thrives in a mixture of loam, peat, and sand. Cuttings will strike in ...
protection of a greenhouse. Keep the plants root-bound and near the glass, with a good supply of heat and moisture. They succeed ...
operation from time to time at intervals of six or seven weeks, until it has become perfectly friable and will powder through a ...
Cornel.--See "Cornus." Cornflower.--See "Cyanus." Corn Salad (Lamb's Lettuce).--Sow in drills--the plants to stand 6 in. apart-- ...
Cosmos.--Pretty plants, the flowers resembling a single Dahlia. They are mostly hardy, but some need protection. The annuals sho ...
garden soil, but prefer rich, sandy earth. Plant in October or November, 3 in. deep and 2 in. apart. Take the roots up every sec ...
with partial shade, are most suitable for their growth. They succeed better as bushes than as espaliers or trained to walls. Cut ...
is kept constantly moist. Water moderately till growth begins, then increase the supply. Give a little liquid manure, in a weak ...
D Daffodils.--These will grow in any good, cool, moist, well-drained garden soil if sand be put round their roots, but thrive be ...
inverted flower-pot over the whole, in order to exclude the light; the plants are sometimes blanched in the open by covering the ...
long racemes of rosy-purple flowers in June or July. It prefers a soil of sandy loam and peat, and may be increased by seed or b ...
it may be grown out of doors in a sheltered, sunny situation. It grows well in sandy loam and leaf-mould, and requires a good de ...
spring in pots placed in heat, and kept in the hothouse till May, when the plants may be set out in a sheltered position, placin ...
Earwigs, to Trap.--An inverted flower-pot, containing a little dry moss or hay, placed on a stick, forms a good trap for these p ...
pinched out, so as to induce a bushy habit. It is necessary to keep the roots well supplied with water. When the fruit is set, t ...
Epigaea Repens (Creeping Laurel).--This creeper is hardy and evergreen, and its flowers possess a delicious fragrance. It may be ...
seed. Height, 1-1/2 ft. Eriostemon.--Greenhouse evergreen shrubs. Grow in sandy peat with a little loam added. Cuttings will str ...
which should not be too ripe, root in sand under glass. It may be grown from seed sown, in a temperature of 65 degrees, from Feb ...
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