Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening
SORREL, Broad-Leaved.--Hardy perennial. Imparts an acid flavour to salads and soups. THYME, Broad-Leaved.--Hardy perennial. Youn ...
Holly (Ilex).--This pleasing hardy evergreen shrub thrives best on a deep, sandy loam, but will grow in any good soil, provided ...
autumn and planted in a shady, sheltered spot. Caprifolium Brachypoda and the evergreen C. Sempervirens are handsome, free-flowe ...
Hovea Celsi.--A greenhouse shrub, which is evergreen and elegant when in flower in June. A sandy loam and peat soil is most suit ...
6 in. apart, putting a little silver sand below each one. This may be done at any time from October till frost sets in. They suc ...
the hardy kinds, but they prefer shade and moisture. These may be increased by seed or division. The greenhouse varieties thrive ...
Inula Royleana (Fleabane).--A hardy perennial which flowers in November. It will grow in any garden soil, and can be increased b ...
(Pardanthus Chinensis)is very showy, its orange-yellow flowers, spotted purple-brown, appearing in June and July. They are quite ...
Jasminum.--These are favourite plants for training over arbours or trellis-work, and for growing against walls. The hardy kinds ...
Kaulfussia.--Sow this pretty hardy annual in April in the open border, or in March in slight heat. It may also be sown in autumn ...
of a silvery-white hue, and is fine for ornamenting bouquets. Sow in March, and keep the ground moist till the seed germinates. ...
be increased by seed, and some of the perennial kinds by division of the root. L. Latifolia (Everlasting Pea) flowers in August, ...
Leek.--Sow early in March, and prick out the plants in rich soil, in a sheltered position, to strengthen. As soon as they are la ...
preferable. Increased by off-sets from the bulb, or by seed as soon as it is ripe. The spring snowflake blooms in March, the sum ...
conservatory, and the flower border, and will flourish in any light soil or situation. To produce fine specimens in pots they sh ...
added, to make it sufficiently light. For PARDALINUM (the Panther Lily) and SUPERBUM mix the garden soil with three parts peat a ...
Linum (Flax).--This succeeds best in rich, light mould. The Linum Flavum, or Golden Flax, is very suitable for pot culture; it g ...
flowering is over. Height, from 3 ft. to 10 ft. Lophospermum.--Very elegant half-hardy climbers. Planted against a wall in the o ...
November or early in spring. Height, 3 ft. Lysimachia Nummularia (Creeping Jenny).--This plant is extremely hardy, and is eminen ...
conservatory than the open air. It does not make a good pot-plant, but finds a suitable home in the border of the conservatory i ...
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