How to Write a Better Thesis
134 11 Before You Submit Do you draw attention to important points in the caption? Is there a reference to the figure in the te ...
Dotting the ‘i’s and Crossing the ‘t’s 135 Whichever system you use, you should include a full list of sources such as papers in ...
136 11 Before You Submit Glossary If you have a glossary, it is customarily placed at the end, after all the appendices. In othe ...
137 Chapter 12 Beyond the Thesis Students enrol in a research degree to develop as researchers, make discoveries, and, ultimatel ...
138 12 Beyond the Thesis In some universities, activities such as teaching and so on are explicitly struc- tured into the resear ...
Kinds of Dissemination 139 Feedback is scary. As researchers, we struggle privately with our ideas, trying to bring them out int ...
140 12 Beyond the Thesis could not be included in a thesis; happily, I believe this rule is now more or less extinct, although s ...
Dissemination Plans 141 Primary research problem. Advanced hypothesis and background. Pilot study. Outcomes of the central stud ...
142 12 Beyond the Thesis In a paper you are reporting the same material as in a part of your thesis, perhaps part or all of one ...
Seminar and Conference Presentations 143 Research ethics guidelines have clear protocols for reportage of joint work. These are ...
144 12 Beyond the Thesis the audience reasons to go and read whatever you have written. A talk is a success if it persuades peop ...
Being a Graduate Student 145 more of a distraction than a help), but direct reading rarely works, even if you have used a profes ...
146 12 Beyond the Thesis your confidence, not just in public speaking but in general interaction with other students and academi ...
The Arc of a Research Degree 147 technological research projects with applications in medicine), and thus the student may be hig ...
148 12 Beyond the Thesis working schedule that fills not just their days but to some extent their weekends and evenings. Such a ...
Summary of Chapter 12: Beyond the Thesis 149 has become so routine and familiar that some students despair of anyone ever find- ...
150 12 Beyond the Thesis Consider taking on other academic commitments, such as teaching, reviewing, and mentoring. Balance lif ...
151 Appendix Afterword The creation of How to Write a Better Thesis has, in part, been an outgrowth of my teaching of research m ...
152 Appendix they brought to their study, from undergraduate education at top-ranked universities in some cases, at rural techni ...
Appendix 153 Appendix: Analysis of Examiners’ Reports John McDonald of the University of Ballarat undertook an analysis of exami ...
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