How to Write a Better Thesis
112 8 Outcomes and Results Summary of Chapter 8: Outcomes and Results Research results: Data comes from sources and experiments ...
113 Chapter 9 The Discussion or Interpretation Phil had reached the discussion chapter of his thesis, and we were talking about ...
114 9 The Discussion or Interpretation part of our brain is paramount, because we still have to compare the results of our own w ...
Structuring the Discussion 115 candidates who are alert to shortcomings and limitations in their own work; indeed, why respect s ...
116 9 The Discussion or Interpretation Perhaps these were important at the time, but they are not conclusions from your whole re ...
Writing with Authority 117 criteria for examination: Are the conclusions and implications appropriately devel- oped and clearly ...
118 9 The Discussion or Interpretation should acknowledge areas that you yourself thought were weak and deal with them in a stra ...
Summary of Chapter 9: The Discussion or Interpretation 119 Checking the thesis structure: Before you start writing material in ...
121 Chapter 10 The Conclusion You stated the aim of the research project in your first chapter. These conclusions must indicate ...
122 10 The Conclusion One way that I get my students to think about an agenda for further research is to have them picture their ...
Summary of Chapter 10: The Conclusion 123 Summaries are not conclusions. I drew this distinction in Chap. 2 when talking about ...
125 Chapter 11 Before You Submit You have just typed the last full stop of your conclusions. Finished at last? Wrong—you still h ...
126 11 Before You Submit and of self-congratulation for all of the hard work they have put in, there are rea- sons why this is n ...
From First to Second Draft 127 about everything, not blindly follow what may be wrong information or bad advice; especially when ...
128 11 Before You Submit Structural Editing First, I look at the overall structure. There should be a table of contents that cor ...
Dotting the ‘i’s and Crossing the ‘t’s 129 By the time I have reached the end of the thesis, a sense of the integrity (or lack o ...
130 11 Before You Submit Title Page Check that it contains title, author, place, month and year, and the degree for which the t ...
Dotting the ‘i’s and Crossing the ‘t’s 131 Acknowledgments recognize help received in the execution of the research and in the ...
132 11 Before You Submit Do the background chapters justify the formulation of the hypotheses or research questions? If you are ...
Dotting the ‘i’s and Crossing the ‘t’s 133 Does the discussion permit you to reach all of your conclusions? Conclusions Are a ...
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