How to Write a Better Thesis
Verb Tenses 29 age her, as I thought it came up well. But one of her examiners didn’t like it, and grumbled at her use of the ‘r ...
30 3 Mechanics of Writing wrong. This creates problems not only for students whose native language is not English, but also for ...
Punctuation 31 the passive voice; their verbs are activated by other verbs; their sentences are long and complicated; they prefe ...
32 3 Mechanics of Writing Long quotes from the work of others, say longer than thirty words, should not be designated by quotat ...
Appendices 33 Repair words In spoken language we often use what we might call ‘repair’ words to patch up sentences that are goin ...
34 3 Mechanics of Writing might give a sample of a completed questionnaire (in this case the main text would describe how the re ...
Plagiarism and Research Integrity 35 have policies reflecting their perspectives on such guidelines. These cover general issues ...
36 3 Mechanics of Writing thesis. Your university probably has some guidelines on how to acknowledge this work; you may, for exa ...
Summary of Chapter 3: Mechanics of Writing 37 Explicitly maintain versions, with dates. Don’t rely on ‘track changes’. Always l ...
39 Chapter 4 Making a Strong Start In the first months of a typical PhD (or, to a lesser extent, the first weeks of a minor thes ...
40 4 Making a Strong Start Without realizing it, you have not only started your research but you have started writing your thesi ...
Creating a Structure 41 are trying to achieve. Such reports often end up forming the basis of both the in- troduction and the be ...
42 4 Making a Strong Start In my experience, a strong obstacle for some students at this stage is a fear of making a false start ...
Initial Efforts 43 of it in detail, the final content will be strongly influenced by what you have learnt during the course of y ...
44 4 Making a Strong Start Writing up at the End In Chap. 2, I mentioned Karen’s problem in starting to write her thesis. When s ...
Starting, and Starting Again 45 advice holds for the late-start model also. If you are having trouble with the intro- duction, y ...
46 4 Making a Strong Start each of the three topic areas. By doing this, Martin could see which topic could be reasonably sustai ...
The Creative Process 47 you must alter it, or your creative thinking has taken you on a wild-goose chase, in which case you must ...
48 4 Making a Strong Start then on I made a conscious effort to write carelessly, as I described it to myself, and it usually wo ...
Writing an Individual Chapter 49 Here’s an example of a chapter introduction. From ‘Chapter Five: The Place of FC in the Academi ...
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