Yoga Anatomy
Yoga and the Spine 29 E5267/Kaminoff/fig2.16/417591/alw/pulled-r1 Figure 2.15 Ligaments of the spine. E5267/Kaminoff/fig2.17/417 ...
30 Yoga anatomY Discs and ligaments If you look deeper, you can also see how sthira and sukha are revealed in the components o ...
Yoga and the Spine 31 Weight-bearing activities in general, as well as axial rotation (twisting movements), produce symmetrical ...
32 Yoga anatomY push–Counterpush The movements of fl exion, extension, and lateral fl exion produce asymmetrical movements of ...
Yoga and the Spine 33 E5267/Kaminoff/fig 2.24/421791/JG/R3 145° 280° 95° 40° 75° 100° 135° 0° 0° 0° 0° Extension Flexion total C ...
34 Yoga anatomY axial rotation Cervical 50° Thoracic 35° Lumbar 5° total 90° E5267/Kaminoff/fig 2.25A/421792/JG/R2 E5267/Kamin ...
Yoga and the Spine 35 Lateral flexion Cervical 35° Thoracic 20° Lumbar 20° total 75° 20° 75° 20° 35° E5267/Kaminoff/fig 2.26B/42 ...
36 Yoga anatomY A more thorough look into the nature of the four ranges of motion of the spine shows that a fifth possibility ...
Yoga and the Spine 37 E5267/Kaminoff/fig2.24/417599/alw/pulled-r1 E5267/Kaminoff/fig2.25/417600/alw/pulled-r1 E5267/Kaminoff/fig ...
38 Yoga anatomY From this perspective, spinal flexion can be defined as an increase in the primary spinal curves and a decreas ...
Yoga and the Spine 39 spatial versus spinal perspectives in forward- and Backward-Bending poses Spinal extension is not necessar ...
40 Yoga anatomY E5267/Kaminoff/fig2.29/417604/alw/pulled-r1 Figure 2.32 shows more of an integrated orientation to a standing ...
Yoga and the Spine 41 E5267/Kaminoff/fig2.31/417606/alw/pulled-r2 E5267/Kaminoff/fig 2.34b/421798/JG/R2 5° pose, means that it w ...
42 Yoga anatomY Axial extension, Bandhas, and mahamudra The fifth spinal movement, axial extension, is defined as a simultaneo ...
Yoga and the Spine 43 E5267/Kaminoff/fig2.33/417608/alw/pulled-r1 A seated posture named mahamudra (figure 2.37) adds a twisting ...
44 Yoga anatomY COnClusiOn As noted at the end of chapter 1, a balance of both will and surrender is needed in order to honor ...
3 CHAPTER SKELETAL SYSTEM E very system of the body is involved in every movement we make. Without the active participation of t ...
46 Yoga anatomY created by muscles, the bones would be unable to move through space and could only respond to forces outside t ...
skeletal sYstem 47 E5267/Kaminoff/fig3.2/417610/alw/pulled-r3 Articulating surface of bone Hyaline cartilage Synovial fluid Syno ...
48 Yoga anatomY The synovial membrane is wrapped by layers of connective tissue that form the joint capsule, providing contain ...
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