Yoga Anatomy
Notes Many variations exist for the arm position in this poseāat the sides, reaching overhead, and propped up on the elbows. If ...
Ustrasana Camel Pose oosh-TRAHS-anna ustra = camel E5267/Kaminoff/fig8.6a/417734/alw/pulled-r1 Hamstrings Vastus lateralis Rectu ...
Notes Gravity is pulling the torso into the back bend, which is checked by the arm action and the eccentric action of the spinal ...
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana One-Legged Royal Pigeon Pose eh-KAH pah-DAH rah-JAH-cop-poh-TAHS-anna eka = one; pada = foot, leg; raja ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbsLower limbs Front leg Back leg Extension Scapular upward rotation, abduc- tion, and elev ...
Notes It is important not to collapse into this pose. The pelvic floor, hamstrings, and gluteals should act eccentrically to dis ...
E5267/Kaminoff/fig8.8b/417740/alw/pulled-r1 Vastus lateralis Psoas major Biceps femoris Sciatic nerve The following illustration ...
Parighasana Gate-Latch Pose par-ee-GOSS-anna parigha = an iron bar used for locking a gate E5267/Kaminoff/fig8.10/417745/alw/pul ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs Top armLower armKneeling legExtended leg Lateral flex- ion, cervical rotati ...
Notes Rotation is automatic with side bending in the spine because of both the shape of the articular facets in the vertebrae an ...
Simhasana Lion Pose sim-HAHS-anna simha = lion E5267/Kaminoff/fig8.11/417747/alw/pulled-r1 Platysma E5267/Kaminoff/fig8.12/41774 ...
Notes The lengthening activation of the tongue lifts the hyoid bone; activates the digestive system; and activates the hyoid mus ...
9 CHAPTER SUPINE POSES S upine means lying in a faceup position. It is the opposite of prone, which is lying face down. Similarl ...
Savasana Corpse Pose shah-VAHS-anna sava = corpse This pose is also referred to as the death pose, or mrtasana (mrit-TAHS-anna). ...
Symmetry Often in savasana the limbs are carefully placed to be symmetrical when viewed from the outside. This can conflict with ...
Apanasana Apana Pose, Wind Release Pose ap-an-AHS-anna apana = the vital air that eliminates waste from the system E5267/Kaminof ...
Notes Apanasana is one of the key tools of therapeutic yoga because it is a simple and accessible practice that directly links b ...
Setu Bandhasana Bridge Pose SET-too bahn-DAHS-anna setu = dam, dike, bridge; bandha = lock; setubandha = the forming of a causew ...
Notes It can be a challenge to find full hip extension in this pose without also adducting or externally rotating at the hip joi ...
The action in the arms is also the foundation for salamba sarvangasana (page 190) and viparita karani (page 196); the action in ...
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