Yoga Anatomy
Muscular joint actions Spine Concentric contraction Eccentric contraction To rotate spine toward front leg: Erector spinae, inte ...
Notes In a spinal rotation around the axis of the spine (without side bending, flexing, or extend- ing), note that the muscles t ...
Utthita Trikonasana Extended Triangle Pose oo-TEE-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna utthita = extended; tri = three; kona = angle E5267/Kam ...
Upper limbs Concentric contraction To abduct scapula: Serratus anterior To stabilize and abduct shoulder joint: Rotator cuff, bi ...
Notes In utthita trikonasana, as in utthita parsvakonasana (page 105), the weight of the torso falls mostly over the front leg. ...
Parivrtta Trikonasana Revolved Triangle Pose par-ee-VRIT-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna parivrtta = to turn around, revolve; tri = three ...
Muscular joint actions Spine Alternating concentric and eccentric contractionsConcentric contraction Eccentric contraction To ma ...
Notes The rotation of the spine in this pose requires the muscles on the outsides of the hip joints to be very long, and because ...
Parsvottanasana Intense Side Stretch parsh-voh-tahn-AHS-anna parsva = side, flank; ut = intense; tan = to stretch E5267/Kaminoff ...
Muscular joint actions Spine Concentric contraction or passively lengthening Erector spinae Lower limbs Front leg Back leg Conce ...
Parsvottanasana Variation With Arms in Reverse Namaskar E5267/Kaminoff/fig6.31/417659/alw/pulled-r3 Latissimus dorsi Subscapular ...
Parsvottanasana Variation With Spine Flexed Parsvottanasana (continued) E5267/Kaminoff/fig 6.31B/421790/JG/R1 Notes In this vari ...
Prasarita Padottanasana Wide-Stance Forward Bend pra-sa-REE-tah pah-doh-tahn-AHS-anna prasarita = spread, expanded; pada = foot; ...
Notes This pose is often described as a stretch for the adductors or the muscles of the inner legs. In fact, when the legs are w ...
Upavesasana Squat, Sitting-Down Pose oo-pah-ve-SHAHS-anna upavesa = sitting down, seat This pose is almost never referred to by ...
Notes For some people the pelvic floor can be contacted easily in this position, where it works synergistically to respond to th ...
7 CHAPTER SITTING POSES F or many people in the industrialized world, sitting (or, more likely, slouching) on a piece of furnitu ...
126 Sukhasana Easy Posture suk-HAS-anna sukha = comfortable, gentle, agreeable Siddhasana Adept’s Posture sid-DHAS-anna siddha = ...
Padmasana Lotus Posture pod-MAHS-anna padma = lotus E5267/Kaminoff/fig7.4a/417668/alw/pulled-r1 E5267/Kaminoff/fig7.4b/418347/al ...
Notes The goal of these seated poses is sthira and sukha—steadiness and ease. If the pelvis and legs are arranged in a way that ...
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