Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition
experimental verification of theories, and probably the existence of a relatively united world professional organisation of scho ...
citizens assume that ‘democracy’ means a society in which everyone can vote at periodic elections where the rich can buy unlimit ...
methodological light as the Marxist and feminist critics discussed here. However, for convenience, they are discussed in a later ...
Finally, it has been argued that modernist writing on politics (‘political science’) has been dominated by a male North American ...
A stimulating and readable essay that defends Crick’s own con- cept of politics against totalitarians, experts, nationalists and ...
http://ipsaportal.unina.it International Political Science Association portal gives access to, describes and assesses for access ...
SYSTEMS This chapter elaborates upon a point raised in the introduction: that politics is not an activity confined to modern lib ...
This raises the issue of what is meant by a state. At this stage, let us ignore some complicated academic arguments and settle u ...
primitive – this is not the authors’ intention. Many of the groups concerned have sophisticated cultures, high levels of artisti ...
What is unthinkable is the revolutionary process of replacing existing laws with new ones. The inflexibility of such a system ca ...
alleged case of adultery, failure to pay up on a dowry payment or words said in a drunken brawl. But everyone would be severely ...
In these tribal ‘stateless societies’, then, there is law rather than anarchy (in the everyday sense of no guarantees of law and ...
described as neither ‘Holy’, ‘Roman’ nor an ‘Empire’ by Voltaire [1694–1778] (1756: Ch. LXX). The empire masked a confusing arra ...
In practice lords were interested primarily in matters relating to their feudal dues – the equivalent of modern taxation and ren ...
(Kano, etc.), whilst much earlier such kingdoms were to be found in India and Central America. By definition, a kingdom can be r ...
derived from his control or influence over government that might well be regarded as corruption in a contemporary democracy. The ...
States without nations: empires Perhaps still more remote from contemporary experience is the concept of empire. Yet this is a f ...
subjects are prepared to make the necessary political compromises with the primary needs of the empire. Such empires have genera ...
racial or cultural inferiority of ‘coloured’ people compared with the ‘white’ race. In theory official attitudes might not quite ...
as Breton and Basque, some of whom would prefer an independent existence. Conversely Switzerland, Belgium and Canada all contain ...
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