Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition
Coups d’étatand revolutions It should also be made clear that not every use of violence (or the threat of it) in order to change ...
One might add that, in the longer term still, further compromises with the pre-revolutionary tradition are likely. This is not t ...
‘terrorists’ is clearly somewhat subjective. However, one could argue that where no peaceful routes to political change are perm ...
on abortion clinics in the United States. Establishment terrorism includes events like the Argentinian ‘dirty war’ referred to a ...
remains one of the more impressive political theories, particularly in relation to the explanations of political change it advan ...
trend would appear to be, in voting behaviour at least, away from the sort of class-based voting found in Britain in the 1950s a ...
on to suggest that ‘class’ divisions be reinterpreted to include any politically relevant dimension; black/white, unemployed/emp ...
expertise, information technology – the collection, storage, retrieval, analysis, presentation and communication of information ...
political identity separate from that of the middle classes as a whole. Information in the broad sense may well be a crucial sou ...
support existing patterns of individual and government consumption essentially a concentration of individual consumption and st ...
role as the Soviet Union and has adopted many features of the capitalist economic system. ‘Developing’ is of course a polite eup ...
independent state are relatively new (although most parts of the South contain civilised cultures dating back as far as, or furt ...
South, it may be more relevant to a consideration of the future political stability of the planet to consider soberly the extent ...
Conclusion So far in this chapter we have seen political stability or instability as arising from a number of different conflict ...
Recommended reading Bottomore, T. B., 1993, Elites and Society, 2nd edn, London, Routledge Excellent theoretical introduction to ...
http://www.terrorism.com Terrorism Research Centre – good links section. http://www.state.gov/s/ct/ris/pgtrpt US State Departmen ...
STATES This chapter considers the major types of state in the modern world starting with Crick’s distinction between republican, ...
BOX 6.1 REPUBLICAN, AUTOCRATIC AND TOTALITARIAN STATES Most modern ‘republican’ regimes could be described as ‘repre- sentative ...
democratic. Classical Athens was not in our sense fully ‘democratic’ since women, slaves and resident foreigners did not vote, a ...
regimes. The former Soviet Bloc (eight states in the Derbyshires’ study) and apartheid South Africa might have been candidates f ...
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