Politics: The Basics, 4th Edition
The relationship between democracy, capitalism and the welfare state is, therefore, central to the study of politics. It is wort ...
reason. Indeed, to use Greek political terminology, it might be argued that the natural form of government for a capitalist econ ...
Forms of representative democracy A key issue in considering the workings of modern democracies is the nature of those governmen ...
1967/8), but in most West European states as well (Smith, 1989: Chs. 5, 7, 8). Derbyshire and Derbyshire (1996: 40) classified f ...
judiciary is accepted but the executive and legislative powers work in concert as a result of the government’s legislative major ...
a role in government at least during a transitional period. In the 1998 Northern Ireland peace settlement the use of this device ...
like treason. The national party now has a monopoly of the con- siderable patronage dispensed by the new state. In such circumst ...
Indeed a key part of the armed forces’ temporary claim to power may well be that they claim to be (and may believe themselves to ...
overruled, is relatively rare. More commonly a supreme military council or similar body may effectively replace the legislature ...
censored or, indeed, physically eliminated. Elections can be held, but under a ‘rigged’ electoral system. The constitutional bas ...
could overwhelm the others. Despite the name the PRI came to repre- sent a coalition of established local political machines oft ...
Marcuse (1964: 13) argues that in modern automated consumer societies: the productive apparatus tends to become totalitarian to ...
appeals to national pride, massive rallies and demonstrations, early political and military victories and by the restoration of ...
information technology and psychological and pharmaceutical discoveries for surveillance and control to a greater extent than ev ...
Caliphate (political leadership) (Fischer, 1980). Other differences include the Shi’ite’s greater emphasis on the importance of ...
its compatibility with Islam. In practice, since the death of the first revolutionary leader, the Ayatollah Khomeini, considerab ...
in the government and politics of nation states, so that the activities of the World Trade Organisation, NATO, the United Nation ...
also ensures that they are expected to co-ordinate relations with other states. Control of the major organisations capable of ph ...
It is an injustice, a grave evil and a disturbance of right order for a large and higher organization to arrogate to itself func ...
One might expect the lower levels of government in a federal system to act independently of the upper layers. The lower levels i ...
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