Encyclopedia of Diets - A Guide to Health and Nutrition
Medical approaches Medical treatment of encopresis begins with dis- impaction, or softening and removal of the mass of fecal mat ...
placing the child on the toilet at set times helps in establishing bowel control or whether it creates emo- tional conflict betw ...
influenza, bronchitis, and allergy. In the 1990s ephe- dra was marketed in the United States as a dietary supplement that stimul ...
effects of the herb. (Conventional pharmaceuticals must include potential side effects in their packaging.) With ephedra and all ...
cause serious, sometimes fatal, side effects. Some indi- viduals choose to ignore this warning. In that case, people with high b ...
claims on the label have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and may not have any scienti ...
performance. Besides being a complex ethical as well as a philosophical issue, the long term effects on health have not been inv ...
Resources BOOKS American Dietetic Association.Carbohydrates: What You Need to Know.Chicago, IL: American Dietetic Associ- ation, ...
Yesalis, C. E., ed.Anabolic Steroids in Sport and Exercise. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, 2000. ORGANIZATIONS Americ ...
F Fad diets Definition Many fad diets defy logic, basic biochemistry, and even appetite appeal. They are popular because they pr ...
Another sign of a fad diet is losing weight without exercise. Studies consistently show that the single most important variable ...
OTHER American Heart Association.http://www.americanheart.gov National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotio ...
Phase 3 is a typical low-carbohydrate diet that can be maintained for life. PHASE 1.The two-week phase 1 of the fat flush diet ...
cabbage cauliflower celery cucumbers green beans mushrooms onions peppers radicchio spinach tomatoes water chestnuts ...
Other fat flush components There are very few options for eating out on the fat flush diet, although choices such as fish tacos ...
Medications should be taken an hour before or after the life long cocktail because the fiber in the cocktail may interfere with ...
OTHER ‘Fat Flush.’iVillage Total Health.<http://diet.ivillage.com/ plans/pfatflush/topics/0,,4s44,00.html>(March 23, 2007) ...
per gram andcarbohydratescontain only four calo- ries per gram, every gram of fat replaced with a gram of a carbohydrate-based f ...
carry the following warning: ‘‘This Product Contains Olestra. Olestra may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools. Olestra inh ...
Parental concerns Reduced-fat foods may appear healthy, but they may contain as many calories and more sugar than the equivalent ...
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