Awakening the Third Eye
Chapter 10 – A Few Experiences on the Way 10.1 Tingling in various body parts In this chapter we will review some of the most co ...
of the experience will diminish instantaneously and you will be brought back to your normal state of consciousness. 10.4 Feeling ...
hands (section 4.12). Bathing in rivers and in the ocean is also very appropriate. In Kundalini-yoga, a form of spiritual practi ...
centre, at the top of the head. When this happens, just let yourself be pulled upwards, and enjoy being above the head for a whi ...
If you find it difficult to move the energy upwards through the top of the head, try to go through the back of the top of the s ...
10.10 Dizziness There is nothing wrong with feeling a bit light-headed after some practices that take you far into the space. In ...
clearing them that you will have major shifts in your opening of perception. What do you do? Regression! ISIS, the Clairvision t ...
For your practice to be successful you need to learn to sense these variations and work in harmony with them. For instance if yo ...
can start looking for your clarity again. (Another reason for this reactional tamas condition is that when you reach a new inten ...
Chapter 11 – The Art of Tuning In 11.1 Tuning in Let us begin with a simple exercise. Take a crystal, for instance, and another ...
could be called a mental postcard. The essence of the information has been lost. When you ‘tune into’ an object, the very opposi ...
absolutely fascinating. You participate in the life of the universe, instead of perceiving it like a series of postcards. For ex ...
to stars what orchids are to flowers: their beauty is sometimes treacherous. Stars, especially when seen with our triple process ...
a life of its own, you can talk and exchange with it... If you want to have a chance to understand any of your non- physical per ...
Of course, it is only when you get out of a cage that you realize it was a cage. If you have always been living in a cage, then ...
out of the cage, and say, “I think not, therefore I am.” The Clairvision style of work invites you to use perception to reach th ...
Does the energy of the tree resonate more with your belly, your chest, your throat, or your head? (When trying to cognize the p ...
11.7 Sexually-related feelings People often say that they can never fully know what their boyfriend or girlfriend feels or think ...
In the Indian tradition there is a symbol which illustrates this concept: the Śiva- liṅga. The Śiva-liṅga is an erect phallus, a ...
We have seen how the capacity to tune in is directly opposed to mental rigidity. The more fixed the mind is in stereotypes, the ...
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