Awakening the Third Eye
Chapter 16 – Complementary Techniques 16.1 Neti In the ancient Sanskrit treatises of Hatha-yoga, several techniques of inner pur ...
half a teaspoon of rock salt or sea salt. But do not use fine grained table salt, which would irritate your nose. Put your nose ...
Then repeat the process, but this time turn the head once to the right and once to the left. Blow the air out of your nostrils v ...
(There is no need to blow your nose prior to or after this method of drying.) The neti practice should be implemented in the mo ...
start the practices at the given time! Less effort will be needed to reach the meditation state, and the experiences of consciou ...
It is of great spiritual value to tune in and be aware in the eye and in the heart, at least every evening at sunset (if your sc ...
of the opening required to develop clairvoyant perception. If you feel completely blocked it could be valuable to visit a homoeo ...
and other technologies to amplify their psychic powers. They will connect their nervous system to strange machines, which will r ...
to put the burning tip of the moxa into the earth in order to smother it (in a pot-plant, for instance.) Moxas on bai hui draw e ...
The exercise provides an occasion for relying mainly on your eye to sense and explore your environment. It is also quite interes ...
Chapter 17 – Protection Protection level 1: Reinforcing the structure 17.1 Simple things first Knowing how to preserve your ener ...
So if you want to undergo a process of esoteric development, the first recommendation is to have a good routine allowing enough ...
The main advice is: follow your sensitivity rather than any dogma (dogma is certainly not what is lacking in the field of nutri ...
heroin addict is like smoking cigars inside a petrol refinery: dangerous. What about other drugs? I could tell you the usual thi ...
vibrations in general. White is the symbol of what remains untouched by external influences. Consequently, if you are in a conte ...
Now, what if a room once had a reasonably good atmosphere and suddenly its vibrations were spoiled? Here are a few suggestions t ...
17.11 Frequent use of running water In section 4.12 we described an important technique to get rid of negative energies by washi ...
negative energy into the ascending flow. Feel your etheric, and release all you want to get rid of into the flow. Go on for a fe ...
Chapter 18 – Protection: Sealing the Aura (1) 18.1 The fight or flight reaction Before going through techniques of protection, i ...
are to your subtle bodies. Similarly, just as chronic bleeding exhausts the physical body, so a leakage of etheric energy can de ...
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