The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks
Ingenious Hoax? B 5 It was a lovely summer afternoon when Gardner reached the town of Bradford, where he took a tram to the vill ...
6 fi The Secret LiJe of Nature When Elsie saw them she called out to Frances,"The fairies are on the plate!" Frances, outside th ...
Ingenious Hoax? @ 7 tempted in imitation of the ones she claimed to have seen were "unin- spired, and bore no possible resemblan ...
8 @ The Secret Liji of Nature Gardner reported to Doyle that he found Frances to be mediu- mistic, explaining that by this he me ...
Ingenious Hoax? 9 9 When developed, one clear photograph showed a fairy poised on a bush offering Elsie a flower. The other show ...
10 @ The Secret Lije of Nature the word. It took a great deal of time and concentrated attention to convince me, but I can claim ...
Fate of the World Interest generated by the fairy article was so great that Doyle and Gardner decided to institute an even more ...
12 G The Secret Lije of Nature comfortable drawing room.There, as Hodson recounted the story, his black-and-white fox terrier, P ...
Fate of the World @ 13 The weather that summer was bad on the whole, but it cleared enough on occasions for Hodson and the girls ...
dazzling rosy whiteness, with a beautiful face and long hair, which it appeared to be passing through its fingers. Two days late ...
Fate ofthe World JP 15 the girls with plenty of fresh plates, but the girls had to admit, sadly, that although the nature spirit ...
sight is exercised, about another octave of light, more or less, becomes consciously objective: this independent activity of the ...
Fate ofthe World G 17 own strange way, and which is only separated from ourselves by some hfference of vibrations." Posing the q ...
ThP Biggest Fai y Story The first I heard of the Cottingley fairies was at Findhorn in 1973. E. L. Gardner had died in 1970, a c ...
on E. L. Gardner, gone in search of the Cottingley girls. Elsie, by then in her seventies, was tracked down to the Yorkshire Mid ...
3. The Biggest Fairy Story This slight ambiguity between Elsie's and Frances's versions sparked , another producer at YTV (Yorks ...
22 @ The Secret Lqe of Nature Mitchell: "Do gnomes come and go?" Elsie: "Yes." Mitchell: "I mean, why didn't you sort of make a ...
The Biggest Fairy Story fi 23 lady there and there's this fairy.... I was nowhere near as close as that... .There weren't many s ...
24 @ The Secret L@ fe Nature pyramids "originated before anything like intellectual culture existed; have been constructed witho ...
The Bigest Fairy Story 9 25 tremely delicate balance did seem to have shifted in favor of the ladies' honesty during the 1970s, ...
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