The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks
Occu 1 t Chemist y The thrust of my thesis is simple: if Hodson's clairvoyant faculties could enable him to "see" inside an elec ...
the theosophists with their yogi powers had effectively opened a win- dow from the world of matter into the world of spirit. Pro ...
Occult Chemistry 69 electric current by rotating a copper disk between the poles of a mag- net. To define a unit of this nonstat ...
70 9 The Secret Liji of Nature Besant-squatting on the floor, ready with sketch pad-an ovoid body within which appeared a patter ...
7. Occult Chemistry Leadbeater attached great significance-correctly, as matters turned out later, much later. Both Leadbeater a ...
(^72) The Secret L!fi fef Nature managed to locate for them in the Dresden Museum a source of rare minerals. But when Leadbeater ...
Occult Chemistry fl 73 scientists to conclude that atomic nuclei must consist of neutrons and protons-the two theosophists had a ...
74 ~27 The Secret Liji of Nature be star shaped. The five Platonic solids-the only completely regular solid geometric figures in ...
Occult Chemistry ~3 75 Orthodox physicists, unable without siddhi vision to see inside atoms, could pursue Rutherford's method o ...
76 D The Secret L$e of Nature under scrutiny. And in any case, none matched the theosophists' UPAS, of which they counted nine i ...
Occult Chemistry G 77 Three quarks for Muster Mark! Sure he hasn't got much of a bark And sure any he has it's all beside the ma ...
78 fl The Secret L@ of Nature physicists at Fermilab discovered "top" quark, leading Dr. P. K. Iyengar, eminent scientist and fo ...
Occult Chemistry @ 79 clearly depicted with six quarks, each of which showed three ultimate physical atoms for a total of eighte ...
80 H The Secret Lij2 feNature state,"The new patterns derived by application of the rules of theoret- ical physics tally perfect ...
Orthodox Cosmos Adeptly clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient, Leadbeater and Besant claimed to have learned from Indian ...
82 9 The Secret Lifi of Nature thrown into more energetic action. To ascertain the number 1,680, Leadbeater says he meticulously ...
Orthodox Cosmos @ 83 posed of quarklike 0bjects.A third group believes the Higgs particle to be a bound state of "top7' and "ant ...
84 k7 The Secret L$ ofNature To find their sneaky rntity, Lederman and his fellow physicists have come up with no better system ...
Orthodox Cosmos @ 85 lider, one with an even longer circuit, larger source of energy, and big- ger punch to produce an even smal ...
86 fl The Secret L$ of Nature groups of UPAS were bound together, depicted hundreds of stringlike configurations or "lines of fo ...
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