The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits from Fairies to Quarks
Superhierarchies fi 151 The exusiai, spirits of form, allowing their forces to flow in and out of the human etheric body, indivi ...
152 @ Tlie Secret L$e of Nature Every night, when we leave our physical and etheric bodies asleep, we find ourselves in the astr ...
15 Kabbalah Unveiled The cascade of consciousness from Absolute to material, through logos, planet, monad, down to the heart of ...
154 fl The Secret Life of Nature of the sciences to mistress thereof. In a detailed study of these aspects of the kabbalah--comp ...
Kabbalah Unveiled 9 155 animal life but also, on deeper inner levels, for mental and spiritual births. "As Formators, they are r ...
156 @ The Secret L@ of Nature zero to ten, with zero as the Absolute, one as the Manifesting Logos, and the other numbers repres ...
Kabbalah Unveiled D 157 second sephirah, was given the God-name Jehovah, with a numerical value of twenty-six; Binah (Understand ...
158 @ The Secret Liji fe Nature In Plato's Timaeus a kinship is shown to exist between his five sa- cred volumes and the five el ...
Kabbalah Unveiled D 159 Phillips was able to construct a sort of Jacob's Ladder, or what he calls a Cosmic Tree of Life, consist ...
160 @ The Secret L$e of Nature represents the formulation of the archetypal ideas in the Divine Mind, the first stage of their e ...
Kabbalah Unveiled @ 161 Life representation of superstring space-time. This inescapable coinci- dence led Phillips to conclude t ...
16. The Mysteries Most amazing is the subtle role of nature spirits or elementals in the rites of modern Freemasonry. Much of th ...
164 fl The Secret Lij2 of Nature Theosophists maintain that Zarathustra, able to control his astral body, passed it on to Hermes ...
The Mysteries fi 165 scribed by Leadbeater, on the basis of his own clairvoyant vision of the past, as the most splendid known t ...
1 66 @ The Secret Li@ of Nature Rome and its second king, Numa Pompilius, the Egyptian mysteries made their way to western Europ ...
The Mysteries 9 167 degenerated through the Church into a caricature, determined-as Steiner reconstructs the events, presumably ...
168 @ Thesecret L$ofNature whom Freemasonry was clearly a survival and symbolic portrayal of the great mysteries. To Hodson, Mas ...
The Mysteries B 169 Persephone's Quest, the draught used in the mysteries was Amanita mus- curia, a species of psychotropic mush ...
170 R The Secret Liji of Nature As Leadbeater puts it: "In Freemasonry we invoke the aid of non- human entities-the inhabitants ...
The Mysteries @ 1 71 by filling it with the power of their respective levels."An etheric ceil- ing is spread over the whole of t ...
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