Game Engine Architecture
19 1.4.4. Racing Games The racing genre encompasses all games whose primary task is driving a car or other vehicle on some kind ...
20 1. Introduction A racing game is oft en very linear, much like older FPS games. However, travel speed is generally much faste ...
21 z The camera typically follows behind the vehicle for a third-person per- spective, or is sometimes situated inside the cockp ...
22 1. Introduction developers to employ various optimizations in the rendering engine of an RTS game. Older games in the genre e ...
23 z Each unit is relatively low-res, so that the game can support large num- bers of them on-screen at once. z Height-fi eld te ...
24 1. Introduction playing in one very large, persistent virtual world (i.e., a world whose internal state persists for very lon ...
25 diff erences between genres that arose because of optimization concerns are beginning to evaporate. So it is becoming increas ...
26 1. Introduction 1.5.2. The Unreal Family of Engines Epic Games Inc. burst onto the FPS scene in 1998 with its legendary game ...
27 XNA is based on Microsoft ’s C# language and the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The primary development environment is Visual ...
28 1. Introduction by anyone, as long as their code is also freely available; the latt er allows the code to be used even in pro ...
1.6. Runtime Engine Architecture 29 Gameplay Foundations Dynamic Game Object Model Event/Messaging System Scripting System Stati ...
30 1. Introduction What follows is a brief overview of the components shown in the diagram in Figure 1.11. The rest of this book ...
1.6. Runtime Engine Architecture 31 OS Figure 1.14. Operating system layer. 3 rd Party SDKs DirectX, OpenGL, libgcm, Edge, etc. ...
32 1. Introduction Game developers are divided on the question of whether to use template libraries like STL in their game engin ...
33 Character Animation A number of commercial animation packages exist, including but certainly not limited to the foll ...
34 1. Introduction duced a product that att empts to redefi ne how character motion is handled in games and other forms of digit ...
35 z Assertions are lines of error-checking code that are inserted to catch logi- cal mistakes and violations of the programmer’ ...
36 1. Introduction Low-Level Renderer Primitive Submission Viewports & Virtual Screens Materials & Shaders Texture and S ...
37 is typically handled by a component that I’ll call the graphics device interface (although every engine uses its own terminol ...
38 1. Introduction forms, including a binary space partitioning (BSP) tree, a quadtree , an octree , a kd-tree , or a sphere hie ...
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