Thorax 461 334.When you ask a patient to exhale forcibly and maximally, the volume of expiration is constant, but the rate of fl ...
337.An elderly woman visits the hospital emergency room with the recent onset of grotesque swelling of the right arm, neck, and ...
Thorax 463 340.An otherwise healthy married 25-year-old female medical student is referred to your cardiology practice by her pr ...
342.A 28-year-old woman comes into the emergency room exhibiting dyspnea and mild cyanosis, but nosigns of trauma. Her chest x-r ...
343.A 23-year-old, semiconscious man is brought to the emergency room following an automobile accident. He is tachypneic and cya ...
Which of the following is the most obvious abnormal finding in the inspiratory posteroanterior and lateral chest x-ray of this p ...
347.A 62-year-old man reports to you that at times he has some chest pain and thinks that his heart is notbeating at an appropri ...
350.During a bar fight a client was punctured with an ice pick. He is brought to the emergency room because he can nolonger walk ...
351.Your patient reports he spent two weeks on a desert island as part of a television survival show. It rained and was cool the ...
352.A 36-year-old male office worker comes to the clinic complaining of general weakness and shortness of breath. He also relate ...
355.The heart has nociceptive nerves called c-fibers that sense extracellu- lar ATP that leaks from cells that die due to lack o ...
358.When choosing vessels for bypass surgery for occluded coronary arteries, sections of the internal thoracic artery have been ...
361.A 3-month-old girl is seen for the first time by a physician in your free clinic. Her mother reports that she is OK, but she ...
In the sagittal CT of the thorax below, which of the following is structure 8. 474 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology a. Lef ...
364.Circulatory adaptation to the extrauterine, postnatal environment includes which of the following pairs of changes? a. The i ...
367.When examining an axial/horizontal CT of the chest, remember that the origin of the pulmonary trunk just cranial to the righ ...
Thorax Answers 329.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, pp 162–163.). Specialized car- diac muscle cells, which form the sinoatria ...
331.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 107–109.)The lymphatic drainage of the mammary gland, which follows the path of its bl ...
334.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, pp 132–133.)Innervation of the bronchial smooth muscle is mediated by parasympathetic neu ...
337.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 40, 1060. Hansen and Lambert, p 321.)A Pancoast tumor in the apex of the right lung ma ...
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