389.A man, the victim of a superficial knife wound to the lower abdomen during a barroom brawl, subsequently develops a direct i ...
392.A middle-aged woman describes flushing, severe headaches, and a feeling that her heart is “going to explode” when she gets e ...
395.While moving furniture, an 18-year-old teenager experiences excru- ciating pain in his right groin. A few hours later he als ...
396.A 77-year-old woman complains to her doctor about left sided chest pain, difficulty swallowing and the sensation that food i ...
397.A 24-year old man was a passenger in an automobile broadsided by another vehicle. Although he was wearing a seat belt he fel ...
400.Allen is a 30-year-old bachelor who frequents “singles” bars. He is cautious and always uses a condom in his sexual encounte ...
401.A patient complained of severe abdominal pain on several occasions, butnocause could be identified. She was recently diagnos ...
402.Which of the following is structure 20 in the axial CT of the abdomen with intravenous contrast below? 508 Anatomy, Histolog ...
403.Pathology within some abdominal organs can occasionally cause referred pain in the shoulder and neck regions, C3–C5, because ...
406.Which of the following is the principal supply to the body and tail of the pancreas? a. Common hepatic artery b. Inferior ph ...
Abdomen 511 409.Several major anatomic structures pass through hiatal openings in the diaphragm. Which of the following lettered ...
410.During the visit of a 73-year-old man to your office for ongoing con- trol of his hypertension (155/90) you note that he has ...
412.As a general surgeon specializing in oncological cases you do a fair number of bowel resections. A 55-year-old man is referr ...
514 Abdomen Answers 369.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, pp 270, 271.)During the first month of development, the midgut commun ...
coronary ligaments, which define the bare area of the liver. The coronary ligaments(answer e)come together again to form the gas ...
cranial to be a risk of injury. Both the subcostal nerve T12 (not listed as choice) and the iliohypogastric nerves are likely cu ...
(answer e)is due to mild, chronic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and isnotinvolved. 377.The answer is a.(Moore and Dalley, p 25 ...
nerve T 6–8 (answer a)would cause a loss of sensation on the upper ante- rior abdominal wall, but would not cover all the area t ...
reduce the metabolic needs of the spinal nerves, thus often preventing cen- tral nervous system cell death during the surgical p ...
right subhepatic (answer d)and the hepatorenal spaces (answer e),may be the seat of abscess formation related to gallbladder dis ...
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