68 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP throughout the organization... After his death, the responsibility of doing this has fallen squarely ...
Kindness and Compassion 69 BIBLICALLESSONS ONKINDNESS ANDCOMPASSION Following the Golden Rule doesn’t just make people ‘‘feel ...
CHAPTER FOUR Humility It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to seek one’s own honor. —P. 25:17 Haughtines ...
Humility 71 the rest of us’’ or are they ‘‘better’’ or more valuable in some indefinable way? Management consultant Patrick Lenc ...
72 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP people of yours?’’ (Solomon, David’s son, upon ascending to the throne, 1 Kings 3:7–9) ‘‘Therefore an ...
Humility 73 troops.’’ Every day, the head of this huge food manufacturer showed up in a brown uniform with ‘‘Don’’ embroidered o ...
74 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP a less humble man to ‘‘Lord it over’’ Cornelius and pose as a ‘‘great man’’ or representative of God ...
Humility 75 lines with his ‘‘mighty men,’’ it was definitely a humble side of our leader that we had not seen before. For true h ...
76 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP Corporation, was asked by researchers Kouzes and Posner to describe his personal best. ‘‘After a few ...
Humility 77 the opportunities he has given me... We forget it’s the people that are working with us that really make us what we ...
78 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP Job had many strengths. However, he was also strong enough to admit his imperfection: ‘‘I am unworthy ...
Humility 79 course, many of Ahab’s sins were visited upon his son, but at least dogs did not lap uphisblood. In modern times, Pr ...
80 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP response? ‘‘Since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them, but will soon give them deli ...
Humility 81 HUMILITY‘‘PAYS’’ Yet another ridiculous oxymoron? Ironically, from ancient times to modern, humility has paid off in ...
82 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP months. But at least Ciena could admit it had made a mistake, allowing it to change direction rather ...
Humility 83 THELEADER ASSERVANT In the past few years, much has been written about the ‘‘servant leader’’ who inspires others an ...
84 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP your left.’’ Needless to say, this caused some consternation and jealousy among the other disciples. ...
Humility 85 Humility means admitting that even the most powerful leader is not totally in control, and that what ultimately make ...
86 THE BIBLE ON LEADERSHIP BIBLICALLESSONS ONHUMILITY A leader is no more intrinsically important than his people, but his act ...
CHAPTER FIVE Communication ‘‘Does not the ear test words as the tongue tastes food?’’ —P. 18:13 ‘‘Like cutting off one’s feet ...
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