How the World Works
w ho w ant to accelerate globalization, and anti-integrationists, w ho w ant to slow it dow n or modulate it. W ithin each group ...
Also remember that huge corporations depend very extensively on their ow n states. Every single one of the companies on the Fort ...
Is capital flight a serious problem? Not so much in the U S, though even here the threat is able to constrain government plannin ...
investment, not export of capital. Japan didn’t allow export of capital until its economy had already reconstructed. South Korea ...
depends on how you measure them, but they w ere roughly cut in half, and they w eren’t high before that). Starvation increased, ...
W hat’s happening w ith Cuba? A lot of people w ere bew ildered w hen David R ockefeller [grandson of John D. and former chairma ...
Brazil, Argentina and Chile W hat kind of contact did you have w ith the media in Brazil, Argentina and Chile? I immediately had ...
happened, they discovered something very interesting: the leaders in the community spoke a different dialect, full of intellectu ...
most of its inhabitants are Guaraní, indigenous people w ho migrated there from Paraguay. School facilities there are aw ful, an ...
private pow er, domestic and foreign. I met w ith a very lively anarchist movement in Buenos Aires, and w ith other anarchist gr ...
Brazil’s army is very brutal, even more so since the coup of T here’s lots of killing and violence, one striking example being ...
The Mideast About 1980, you, Eqbal Ahmad [Pakistani scholar and activist, and professor at Hampshire College] and Edw ard Said [ ...
w hy did the U S go to such lengths to keep it out of the Gulf W ar? Because if Israel had become directly involved, it w ould h ...
None at all; in fact, I think w e’ve had more and more evidence of it. For example, w hen a tiny disagreement came up betw een I ...
educated elite in prison. T hat w as official U S policy, under an administration that w as supposed to be anti-Israel. (It w as ...
It’s like the Bantustans in South Africa, except that—as Norman Finkelstein has pointed out—the South African government gave mu ...
give a lot of details in World Orders and elsew here). W hat’s now called Jerusalem is an area much bigger than anything that ha ...
crazies they don’t know how to take care of. We don’t want them. But I don’t think this is unique to the American Jew ish commun ...
about—Israelis w ho think they can kill anybody, because they think that they have the New York Times, Yad Vashem and the Holoca ...
someone from East T imor? At that time, they’d been refusing to interview T imorese refugees in Lisbon and Australia, claiming—l ...
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