How the World Works
(It’s not that nobody knew about East T imor. It w as covered extensively back in 1974–75, w hen the Portuguese empire w as coll ...
the Company then sold in China. India had substantial industry in the 1700s, before the British crushed it. As late as the 1820s ...
same practices in one’s ow n.” As examples, he cites de Tocqueville, w ho w as critical of certain things in the U S but cast a ...
w elfare, literacy and w omen’s rights. For instance, fertility rates have declined dramatically, and that’s almost alw ays a re ...
trained to install and maintain them, seemed to be in charge. T hey took a tube w ell out for us and put it back in—also w ith l ...
T here’s a tremendous amount of discussion, in the press and everyw here, about neoliberalism and structural adjustment. T hat’s ...
inefficient and undermine markets, but that’s irrelevant—they empow er the rich and help big multinationals exercise control ove ...
Getting free from the colonial pow ers generated a tremendous burst of energy in India, as did presenting a neutralist challenge ...
haven’t been developed. T he results of U S ambivalence tow ards India have sometimes been pretty ugly. R ight after independenc ...
closed dow n. T hat’s bad enough—w hat’s w orse is the fact that people tolerated it. (Just imagine the same thing happening her ...
If that’s so, how do you explain the hostility tow ard [former U N Secretary General] Boutros Boutros-Ghali? In the first place, ...
are quite shocking, and confirmed by veteran journalists on the scene (notably R obert Fisk). But it’s the w rong story. T he ba ...
Of course. W hy should w e spend money on anybody but the rich? T he World T rade Organization is the successor to GAT T. Has th ...
w ith substantial poverty, corruption, crime and so on. Partial extension of the NAT O system to industrial—or partially industr ...
THE US LEFT (AND IMITATIONS THEREOF) Are left and right meaningful terms? Historically, the left has been somewhat ambivalent ab ...
activity—very delicate judgments are made about just what it’s OK to say with regard to minuscule questions of gender, race, col ...
of the 1960s had a very civilizing effect—it brought to the fore all sorts of oppression and discrimination that had been suppre ...
had to know they were going right after young blacks. Every indicator pointed in that direction. Tonry further points out that, ...
cultural-studies journal in the country. To point out the decline in intellectual rigor in certain parts of American academia, h ...
his day that it was an “occult force,” and spent most of the rest of his life trying to come to terms with that unacceptable con ...
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