How the World Works
because of the “Communist influence... based on militant advocacy of social reforms and nationalistic policies.” T he memo warne ...
allies have been enlisted in the cause as well—notably Israel, which is regarded as a “strategic asset” in part because of its s ...
Central American blood.” And he quoted a Western European diplomat who said: “As long as the Americans don’t change their attitu ...
tyrant crosses the line from admirable friend to “villain” and “scum” when he commits the crime of independence. One common mist ...
from criticizing the fraudulent elections, but dismissed as utterly worthless the Sandinistas’ far more free and honest election ...
killer of them all, remains a W ashington-media “moderate.” In fact, at exactly the moment it invaded Panama because of its outr ...
Inoculating Southeast Asia T he US wars in Indochina fall into the same general pattern. By 1948, the State Department recognize ...
and so on. Suharto’s 1965 coup in Indonesia was particularly welcome to the West, because it destroyed the only mass-based polit ...
Of course, it wasn’t a total victory for the US. Our larger goal was to reincorporate Indochina into the US-dominated global sys ...
other state. T he reason for the unprecedented response to Saddam Hussein wasn’t his brutal aggression—it was because he stepped ...
depredations of the powerful. T he UN was able to respond to Iraq’s aggression because—for once—the United States allowed it to. ...
Kuwait. T here were no qualifications about borders, but the offer was made in the context of unspecified agreements on other “l ...
Instead it preferred to avoid diplomacy and to restrict the conflict to the arena of violence, in which a superpower facing no d ...
that diplomacy might “defuse the crisis,” and therefore blocked diplomacy “linkage” at every turn during the build-up to the war ...
In February 1982, the main Israeli figures whose names later appeared in the Iran/Contra hearings appeared on BBC television [th ...
remotely like what they would have faced on our turf. T he journal of the Salvadoran Jesuits quite accurately pointed out that i ...
T here are a lot of resources to be taken, and lots of cheap labor for assembly plants. But first we have to impose the capitali ...
international corporations and finance, and sectors that serve them, most people become superfluous. T hey will be cast aside if ...
settlement is bound to respond, at least to some degree, to the interests of the other participants in the negotiation, and that ...
Reaganite military Keynesian excesses added further problems. [“Keynesian” refers to the theories of the British economist John ...
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