How the World Works
Slav vs. Slav Would you comment on the events in the former Yugoslavia, w hich constitute the greatest outburst of violence in E ...
another factor. She’s an extremist Zionist, and the fact that the Muslims are involved already makes them guilty. Some say that, ...
robbery in Sw eden, w as elected to the Serb Parliament in December 1992. His T igers’ Militia is accused of killing civilians i ...
The chosen country The conditions of the US-Israel alliance have changed, but have there been any structural changes? There have ...
It’s in a class by itself. No sanctions, no enforcement? None. Just to pick one at random—Security Council Resolu - tion 425 of ...
recommendations. I remember talking to Mona Rishmawi, a lawyer for the human rights organization Al Haq in Ramallah on the West ...
When Israel invaded in 1982, there’d been a lot of recent violence across the border, all from Israel north. There had been an A ...
So that’s the “security zone.” Israel dumped scores of deportees in Lebanon in the 1970s and 1980s. Why has that changed now? Wh ...
Israel’s record and its attitude toward Hamas have evolved over the years. Didn’t Israel once favor it? They not only favored it ...
government has “unambiguously demonstrated its commitment to the peace process” since assuming leadership. “Israel is the last p ...
down to four. But the goal is pretty much the same—to arrange the settlements so that they separate the Palestinian areas. Big h ...
Gandhi, nonviolence and India I’ve never heard you talk about Gandhi. Orwell wrote of him that, “Compared to other leading polit ...
been grotesque. What he should have been emphasizing is: “Look, powerless people who are being led to slaughter can’t do anythin ...
the day. For example, an Indian firm built one of the flagships for an English admiral during the Napoleonic Wars. It wasn’t bui ...
can go right back to the founding fathers. T he first secretary of defense, General Henry Knox, said that what we’re doing to th ...
Divide and conquer To continue with India: talk about the divide-and-rule policy of the British Raj, playing Hindus off against ...
try and restore what’s called “stability”—meaning their own kind of system—in Iraq. The West is using the Iraqi Kurds to destroy ...
of made the rules and had the technology and was powerful, so they were able to fend off Western intervention for a long time. B ...
these years, Rigoberta Menchu.... It’s hard for me to reproduce this. You have to read the original. Again, it’s straight out of ...
The roots of racism All over the world—from LA to the Balkans to the Caucasus to India —there’s a surge of tribalism, nationalis ...
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