How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology
32 Pr e - q i n t i m e s He frightened away the Kun barbarians— 混夷駾矣 (kūn yí tuì yĭ ) 48 Ah, how they panted in exhaustion. 維其 ...
t e t ra s y l l a biC Sh i P oe t ry : The B o ok of P oeT ry 33 Although not a highly literary piece, this long poem evinces c ...
34 Pr e - q i n t i m e s notes Barbara Hughes Fowler, trans., Archaic Greek Poetry: An Anthology (Madison: University of Wisco ...
t e t ra s y l l a biC Sh i P oe t ry : The B o ok of P oeT ry 35 Xia Chuancai 夏傳才. Shijing yanjiushi gaiyao 詩經研究史概要 (A Draft Hi ...
Chuci (lyrics of Chu) is a type of poetry that flourished in the Chu region during the Warring States period (403–227 b.C.e.). T ...
Sao P oe t ry : t He Lyr i cS of c h u 37 the example, it appears at the end of odd-numbered lines, but in the “Nine Songs,” it ...
38 Pr e - q i n t i m e s River in southern China, was known for its shamanistic practices. Ban Gu once ob- served that the peop ...
Sao P oe t ry : t He Lyr i cS of c h u 39 30 By the evening I halt my chariot at the north bank. 夕弭節兮北渚 (xī mĭ jié xi bĕi zh ...
40 Pr e - q i n t i m e s verses, which were performed by individual shamans, this part must have been sung by a choir. C 2. 2 T ...
Sao P oe t ry : t He Lyr i cS of c h u 41 35 I throw my jacket into the river, 捐余袂兮江中 ( juān yù mèi xi jiāng zhōng) And leave m ...
42 Pr e - q i n t i m e s Having from birth this inward beauty, 紛吾既有此內美兮 (fēn wú jì yŏu cĭ nèi mĕi xi) 10 I added to it fair ou ...
Sao P oe t ry : t He Lyr i cS of c h u 43 correlatives of fine subjective qualities, and the act of gathering and applying them ...
44 Pr e - q i n t i m e s The poet, however, is denied the chance to guide his king because the king has “refused to examine [th ...
Sao P oe t ry : t He Lyr i cS of c h u 45 When the time had come, I would reap a fine harvest. 愿竢時乎吾將刈 (yuàn sì shí hū wú ji ...
46 Pr e - q i n t i m e s man in the ancient past and that the reference to him indicates Qu Yuan’s desire to leave the world be ...
Sao P oe t ry : t He Lyr i cS of c h u 47 One,” and in the historical and shamanistic dimensions of Peng Xian. We will see more ...
48 Pr e - q i n t i m e s introduction of a speech by another character briefly interrupts the poet’s lengthy monologue. It brin ...
Sao P oe t ry : t He Lyr i cS of c h u 49 As I have noted, spiritual and imaginary journeys (or “flights,” to use David Hawkes’s ...
50 Pr e - q i n t i m e s 230 Passing each day in idle, wanton pleasures. 日康娛以淫遊 (rì kāng yú yĭ yín yóu) Though fair she may b ...
Sao P oe t ry : t He Lyr i cS of c h u 51 You cannot make people see the virtue inside you. 孰云察余之善惡 (shú yún chá yúzhī shàn è ...
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