How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology
xx t He m at iC C on t e n t s 6.2.7 Topic + comment construction 381–383, 386–387, 391–394, 396–397 6.2.8 Imbalanced combinatio ...
❀ ❀ ❀ a n o t e o n h o w t o u s e t h i s a n t h o l o g y The goal of this anthology is to help students overcome language b ...
xxii a not e on How t o us e tH is an tHolo gy posed. Some pronunciations are lost in modern Chinese and are preserved only in s ...
❀ ❀ ❀ m a j o r C h i n e s e D y n a s t i e s Xia ca. 2100–ca. 1600 b.C.e. Shang ca. 1600–ca. 1028 b.C.e. Zhou ca. 1027–256 b. ...
❀ ❀ ❀ s y m b o l s │ Oblique tone in a prosody table ─ Level tone in a prosody table △ End rhyme in level tone ▲ End rhyme in o ...
❀ ❀ ❀ How to Read Chinese Poetry ...
❀ ❀ ❀ Introduction Major Aspects of Chinese Poetry Poetry enjoys an unrivaled status in traditional Chinese literature and cultu ...
2 i n t roDuC t ion continues to figure prominently in later poetry and criticism. At the same time, the beautiful woman often a ...
m a jor a s P e C t s oF C H i ne s e P oe t ry 3 Whether for genuine self-expression or as pure literary exercise, literati poe ...
4 i n t roDuC t ion The dominance of literati themes inevitably led to a marginalization or even an exclusion of themes deemed i ...
m a jor a s P e C t s oF C H i ne s e P oe t ry 5 (chap. 1). During the Han, tetrasyllabic shi poetry experienced a radical decl ...
6 i n t roDuC t ion rhythms to fit musical tunes. It is from this deep, wholehearted engagement with oral folk tradition that th ...
m a jor a s P e C t s oF C H i ne s e P oe t ry 7 over, rhyme can be in level or oblique tone or in both (C12.2, C14.1, and C16. ...
8 i n t roDuC t ion in such a narrative or descriptive continuum (C1.14). So it is no accident that fu later became the name of ...
m a jor a s P e C t s oF C H i ne s e P oe t ry 9 features mini-sequences of narration or description, sometimes smoothly blende ...
❀ ❀ ❀ P a r t 1 Pre-Qin Times ...
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