Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation
66 Achieving a fair and sustainable trade in devil’s claw (Harpagophytum spp.) Global patterns of trade in Harpagophytum are far ...
Rachel Wynberg 67 In 1999 renewed concerns about overharvesting and unsustainable methods of harvesting, as well as the unauthor ...
68 Achieving a fair and sustainable trade in devil’s claw (Harpagophytum spp.) claw has been enhanced regional collaboration bet ...
Rachel Wynberg 69 drugs and increased coverage by health insurance companies of herbal remedies (Grünwald and Büttel 1996). Incr ...
70 Achieving a fair and sustainable trade in devil’s claw (Harpagophytum spp.) management also present major hurdles. At the int ...
Rachel Wynberg 71 Cole, D. and du Plessis, P. 2001. Namibian devil’s claw (Harpagophytum spp.): a case study on benefit-sharing ...
72 Achieving a fair and sustainable trade in devil’s claw (Harpagophytum spp.) Molebatsi, C.O. and Atlhopheng, J.R. 1998. Veld p ...
Chapter 5 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa Michelle Cocks^1 and Tony Dold^2 ABSTRACT A ...
74 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa The cosmetic use of Cassipourea flanaganii (Schinz ...
Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold 75 the Eastern Cape (Cocks and Dold 2000), the suffix is not used by traders. Therefore all umemezi ...
76 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa Figure 1. Study site: Pirie State Forest, Hobo and ...
Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold 77 43 tree species dominated by Olea capensis L. ssp. macrocarpa (C.H. Wr.) Verdoorn, Podocarpus fa ...
78 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa that C. flanaganii is a generalist in where it gro ...
Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold 79 46 mm DBH was found with severe harvesting damage but with many flowers. This represents the sma ...
80 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RAW MATERIAL ...
Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold 81 production system and this is reflected in the higher number of households owning arable lands ( ...
82 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa trader earns US$271 annually from C. flanaganii sa ...
Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold 83 It peaked in the 1980s in Cape Town and dropped in the early and mid 1990s. In 1997 the trade st ...
84 The informal trade of Cassipourea flanaganii as a cosmetic in South Africa Surplus material is sold to the third link in the ...
Michelle Cocks and Tony Dold 85 Figure 2. Documented trade routes of C. flanaganii bark from Pirie Forest The difference in pric ...
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