Figure 2.28 (credit “Brightfield”: modification of work by American Society for Microbiology; credit “Darkfield”: modification o ...
Figure 2.29 (credit “TEM”: modification of work by American Society for Microbiology; credit “SEM”: modification of work by Amer ...
2.4 Staining Microscopic Specimens Learning Objectives Differentiate between simple and differential stains Describe the unique ...
Figure 2.31 (a) A specimen can be heat-fixed by using a slide warmer like this one. (b) Another method for heat- fixing a specim ...
malachite green, methylene blue, and safranin typically serve as positive stains. On the other hand, the negatively charged chro ...
Figure 2.33 Gram-staining is a differential staining technique that uses a primary stain and a secondary counterstain to disting ...
Figure 2.34 In this specimen, the gram-positive bacteriumStaphylococcus aureusretains crystal violet dye even after the decolori ...
Figure 2.35 (credit: American Society for Microbiology) Acid-Fast Stains Acid-fast staining is another commonly used, differenti ...
Figure 2.36 Ziehl-Neelsen staining has rendered theseMycobacterium tuberculosiscells red and the surrounding growth indicator me ...
How does negative staining help us visualize capsules? Endospore Staining Endospores are structures produced within certain ba ...
Figure 2.39 A flagella stain ofBacillus cereus, a common cause of foodborne illness, reveals that the cells have numerous flagel ...
Figure 2.41 (credit “Gram stain”: modification of work by American Society for Microbiology; credit “Acid-fast stain”: modificat ...
Preparing Specimens for Electron Microscopy Samples to be analyzed using a TEM must have very thin sections. But cells are too s ...
Figure 2.43 (a) Living, unstainedTreponema pallidumspirochetes can be viewed under a darkfield microscope. (b) In this brightfie ...
What is the main difference between preparing a sample for fluorescence microscopy versus light microscopy? Cornell University ...
to distinguish dead cells from living cells, with fluorescence microscopy. Live cells will not absorb the dye, but cells killed ...
Light microscopyuses lenses to focus light on a specimen to produce an image. Commonly used light microscopes include brightfie ...
What type of microscope uses a cone of light so that light only hits the specimen indirectly, producing a darker image on a bri ...
Label each component of the brightfield microscope. How could you identify whether a particular bacterial sample contained spec ...
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